05-09-2018, 12:18 PM
(05-09-2018, 11:24 AM)genkaku42 Wrote: Purest? I disagree.
Some hidden gems from non-channelled source lie abandoned in your local library.
Ra's understanding is only the point of view of a SMC close to last suboctave of the 6th density (thats already a huge feat). It's goal is to transmit the Law of One to 3rd density beings. The Law of One is not the end of the Road, as Ra is still seeking. You have according to Ra's cosmology framework the Law of Foreverness and the Mystery.
Most Technical and Thorough? Definitely with some caveats.
Without Distortions? No, Ra has its own set of distortions, and the person channeling it added obviously to that, and that's unavoidable.
Do not take the Ra Material as Gospel. It is excellent if you are studying the Law of Love, the Law of Light, and starting upon the Law of One. Beyond that you better look elsewhere, or better yet, inward.
I would also add that many entities do not share the Cosmological Framework of the Confederation. You are not holding truth, for every Framework are just distortions. You are holding a pathway to Truth, if you resonate with it, go for it, if not move to something else.
It is an excellent framework for most wanderers (most being from the Confederation...), but I personally have rarely seen a material so much misunderstood at its core level, so I advice anyone to seek clarity on the forum if you feel you are not going anywhere, have a doubt, for a misstep is very really easily to achieve.
Don't get me wrong, it's a masterpiece.
Thank you so much for plainly stating that which I was just dancing around attempting not too sound pushy.