(04-23-2009, 01:13 AM)yossarian Wrote: That video is proof right there that the Logos does allow scientific proof of the paranormal. The scientific proof has been suppressed by the power structure, and atheists who look for first-hand proof don't find it because an atheist is, practically by definition, a walking psychic-dampening field.
What is "proof", my friend? To me proof, is merely a readily acceptable reason for accepting an assertion. When I prove that 2+2=4, or that gravity exists, I do not run the risk of upsetting many people's world views, and thus my proofs are readily (but still not universally) accepted. The story changes however, when one moves into proving things associated with spiritual beliefs. These proofs are not allowed by the Logos, because for them to exist could significantly infringe upon the free will of those that choose not to believe.
Thus you have the conspiracy theories, and your atheist effect. What more marvelous a system of checks and balances could the Logos have created than allowing non-belief to create a field through which psi effects cannot permeate, and providing a western scientific culture that considers the very question taboo? This, in my opinion, is not conspiracy, it is protection of free will.
As to the video and the work of Dean Radin, these are wonderful things that, IMHO, should be used to bolster the confidence of those that believe and to help persuade those that are curious. But to use them to attempt to convince a skeptic (or atheist), will result in one of two outcomes. Either they will dismiss it as rubbish, in which case you've wasted both of your time; or they will make a move toward belief with their free will quite possibly infringed. If the latter is the case, it is actually your polarity that would be affected. Better, I think, to use it to help guide the seekers, not convince the skeptics. Let the skeptics come around in their own time, there is an infinite amount of it available.
But that's just my opinion,
Love and Light,
3D Sunset