12-07-2010, 02:11 PM
The 4 D Love is nothing more then a distortion of the first Love.
Everything is Love, how you use this is how your distortions will show. As negative or positive. And latter as the beginning of the whole you really are. Radiance in beingness unto itself as a whole.
But trough Love you are able to connect all creation as whole again. Always One, Always All that Is.
I find Love and awareness of being in each moment, that i am aware of doing this, and i let it be.
Just that.... I let it be... in this moment of perfection, where all things are whole, in the Eye of the void (One).
And the moment transforms itself in an eternity of Now.
And whatever was happening, whatever the POV was doesn't even matter anymore, Just the Being NOW in that Love.
Circumstances don't matter, only state of being matters.
Everything is Love, how you use this is how your distortions will show. As negative or positive. And latter as the beginning of the whole you really are. Radiance in beingness unto itself as a whole.
But trough Love you are able to connect all creation as whole again. Always One, Always All that Is.
I find Love and awareness of being in each moment, that i am aware of doing this, and i let it be.
Just that.... I let it be... in this moment of perfection, where all things are whole, in the Eye of the void (One).
And the moment transforms itself in an eternity of Now.
And whatever was happening, whatever the POV was doesn't even matter anymore, Just the Being NOW in that Love.
Circumstances don't matter, only state of being matters.