12-07-2010, 10:53 AM
(12-07-2010, 01:12 AM)jivatman Wrote: ................
thats a quite sharp, clear and pure approach to love/wisdom balance issue.
Quote:Quote:Thus, entities had discovered many ways to indicate a bellicose nature, not only as tribes or what you call nations but in personal relationships, each with the other, the concept of barter having given way to the concept of money; also, the concept of ownership having won ascendancy over the concept of nonownership on an individual or group basis.
That is, money is not evil in itself, but rather it's existence forced humans to make choices which were not necessary before it existed.
With choice came responsibility. The responsibility to use money to serve others or self. As time passed, humans became more able to understand the concepts of STO/STS. Still, they did not choose, thus the lifespan decreased.
money is not an evil in itself. money, is an indicator of a resource, a variable, that may be used to plan and allocate resources.
the concept of property, is what changes the situation. as you see in the Ra quote you have made, its explicitly stated. concept of ownership winning ascendancy over concept of no ownership or group ownership.
it is 'i' versus 'we', it is 'mine' versus 'ours'.
this is what makes the system go increasingly negative, and start to negativize the societal system to the extent that, even if the entities are positive (just like in this planet in general) the social system ends up negative (minority owning majority of resources, and therefore deciding the fate of the majority), and creating issues in regard to free will.
this is something related to brutal, blunt and mechanic aspect of wisdom :
in a mixed environment in which focuses are allowed to gain more power (through any means), eventually some focuses will gain more power than others, and dominate others.
especially in 3rd, this becomes rather inevitable. because, the 3d entities cant be expected to offset the negativistic nature of amassing mechanic (wealth, power, anything) by the altruistic nature of 4d positive. because, if there had been so much altruism in the environment that environment would qualify higher than a 3rd density choice environment.
so, because the mechanics of the society cannot be offset with altruism of higher density, the system increasingly empowers those who seek their own aggrandizement.
Quote:Of course, for example, the freedom to, say, have lower taxes and thus have more money and time, is inseparable from the concept of then using that time and money to serve others.
And I would add, insofar as we do have taxes, they should be progressive, as Jefferson was one of the first to support.
Thus, I feel, those who get elected merely promising, say, lower taxes are somewhat STS, exploiting selfishness because they do not include the concept of "your taxes are being lowered, you are thus being given more freedom, in order that you take responsibility to help make society better"
But I digress..
you may participate in the thread below, for discussing this side of the wisdom aspect. we have been discussing there for a while.
Quote:Wisdom is also greatly associated with truth and fidelity.
1.Truth, because one must accept responsibility for their actions.
2. Fidelity, because one must accept responsibility for their commitments.
responsibility, fidelity, are more qualities of 6th, indigo, than blue, it seems. remember that the 5d is said to be quite a 'free' density. that freedom is not only a conceptual freedom, apparently it is something that (just like all other densities) signifies the nature of blue ray in every sense. it is highly possible that like how information, truth, does not like to be contained and wants to flow freely, the entities also act like the same. (all entities manifest the characteristics of their density anyway)
responsibility, fidelity, is not something that goes too well with freedom. then again, apparently these are also the lessons that need to be learned in 5d, towards 6d.
Quote:One instance, is in Kant's insistence on always and ever tell the truth, even to the point of a murder asking him directions to someone's house (assuming he was forced to say something).
It seems quite absurd that one would not lie here. Sometimes one must keep secrets for a limited time
he need not lie there. he can say 'i know the directions to that house, but because i dont want you to kill that person, i am not going to tell it to you'.