02-15-2018, 06:29 AM
The Daily Q'uote for February 15, 2018
"We ask you plainly to beware of answers and to focus upon questions, for as you seek and seek again, so shall the doors of your own consciousness open to you and you shall carry understanding deep within your heart, not to communicate except clumsily and incompletely, but only to manifest in your smile, your laughter, and the light of joy which you share with those about you."
Each question I seek that gets answered it opens door to more questions like a spiral. Then to communicate I often feel like a funnel all the concept is that big cone I'm communicating but all that can come out is via words funnelled in a small opening. Quote here mentions it's more non verbal communication that it emerges from and that's where importance is. The being part of oneself.. so excuse my clumsily and incomplete words
"We ask you plainly to beware of answers and to focus upon questions, for as you seek and seek again, so shall the doors of your own consciousness open to you and you shall carry understanding deep within your heart, not to communicate except clumsily and incompletely, but only to manifest in your smile, your laughter, and the light of joy which you share with those about you."
Each question I seek that gets answered it opens door to more questions like a spiral. Then to communicate I often feel like a funnel all the concept is that big cone I'm communicating but all that can come out is via words funnelled in a small opening. Quote here mentions it's more non verbal communication that it emerges from and that's where importance is. The being part of oneself.. so excuse my clumsily and incomplete words