12-05-2010, 01:38 AM
(12-05-2010, 01:12 AM)Joseph326 Wrote: How did finity spring forth from Infinity? In my mind there is no such thing as finity. It is an illusion used by the infinite mind as a tool for learning about itself.
then what is 'illusion' ?
Quote:There is no past, present, or future as we know it. I understand it seems that there is from our human perspective.
it is there from non-human perspective of 6d too. ra went back in time to see what was wrong with the tape recorder in a session in book v. time had to exist from their perspective too, for them to be able to go back and see what was wrong. they didnt 'know' what was wrong with the tape, they went back, and checked what was wrong. (maybe it was their going back to that point in time and checking it out that broke the tape haha)
and in addition, time also exists from another perspective - we are told there are 'wanderers' (as it can be called) that come from the next octave, to aid us in our octave completion. these entities are called lightbringers. they are from NEXT octave. so, even at that point, there is a concept of time. (Since they are able to come back as an entity, and go back to their own octave)