12-03-2010, 02:57 PM
(12-03-2010, 12:23 PM)Richard Wrote: But…unlike some here…I don’t think it’s a conspiracy by shadowy Illuminati & Elites in the govt to take away our rights.
We don't need to believe in any conspiracies to see what they're trying to do. Simple greed explains it. The medical industry is huge. The combined income of the top 10 drug companies in Fortune 500, is more than the combined income of the remaining 490 companies in Fortune 500.
Keep in mind that the remaining 490 companies include the oil companies, Microsoft, etc. And yet the top 10 drug companies' profits far, far outweigh all else.
Sickness (cancer etc.) is big business. 100,000 deaths occur each year as a result of pharmaceutical drugs used correctly. That's not even counting mistakes, illegal drugs, etc.
The #4 leading cause of death in the US is medical treatment.
These are some sobering statistics and have nothing to do with conspiracy theories.
So when proposed legislation has terminology giving more power to the drug companies and the corrupt medical industry, by giving them the power to impose more chemicals in the food, irradiation, genetically modified foods, fluoride in water, mandated vaccines, etc. while removing citizens' rights to grow their own chemical-free food, I say, if it smells like a skunk, there is a skunk nearby!
These aren't paranoid conspiracy fantasies. We already have genetically modified foods with no way to identify them. They have already made it illegal to sell raw almonds. Almonds! One of the most nutritious foods. (Edgar Cayce said that if a person eats several almonds a day, s/he'd never have to worry about cancer. Though I doubt that's still true.) And because of the corrupt medical system who makes billions from cancer treatment, we can't buy raw almonds.
Organic farmers can't sell certified raw milk, despite the fact that it's cleaner than pasteurized milk (pasteurized milk just zaps the critters so it doesn't have to be clean to start with, and that's not even taking into account all the hormones and antibiotics they inject into the cows).
There is more, much much more.
Letting the corrupt medical industry (FDA) have more control over our food supply is like letting the fox guard the henhouse.
Ask the question: Who benefits?