I have not yet read this whole thing, just your opening post , but it resonates strongly with me ... I had an experience nearly identical to what you describe ... not the physical trigger , although I do stare into the sun, the rays (aten) follow me and part the clouds when I ask still, even though it has been years now since those brief months of blissful love and understanding blew by me as my most treasured memory..
I felt a connection with what I was calling at the time the Holy Spirit , but then it began to communicate in ways I could not handle. The fear confused me deeply for a long time
I dont Know if it was Ra, but def someone was with me at that time.
Shortly after is when I discovered the Law of One material, so of course I have pondered if that was “Ra” in my life during that time that I can no longer explain ...
I felt a connection with what I was calling at the time the Holy Spirit , but then it began to communicate in ways I could not handle. The fear confused me deeply for a long time
I dont Know if it was Ra, but def someone was with me at that time.
Shortly after is when I discovered the Law of One material, so of course I have pondered if that was “Ra” in my life during that time that I can no longer explain ...