Harvest is like a time/space window of opportunity to move from a nexus to another and cosmic events of this nature are quite many.
There are nexuses that make it easier to move across time, to move across space or to move across densities like this form of harvest does. A soul could come incarnate here to move from 3D to 4D, it doesn't mean the soul came here to do something festive but to make a movement in a right nexus (like taking a plane at the time it takes off). Harvest to a soul is a bit like summer to a plant I guess, it gives the right circumstances to full growth, which is more of the same nature of a natural space-time event (summer) than a holiday. You can think of it in term of proximity and resonance, during the time of harvest it is easy to step from 3D into 4D because they are extremely close, just like it is easier for a plant to grow in summer because it is more with the Sun body. So it's really just like a matter of nature, when are two stars closer? when are more even closer? where are there more even closer! what does it do to be closer to the Sun? what does it do to be closer to the galactic center?
If you want to talk about a holiday, not natural events that relate to the very structure of time/space and space/time as part of this Octave, then Infinity Unity's post says it all. Anyone or anything can attach whatever importance to anyone or anything and that includes the natural events. Today is apparently World AIDS Day here on Earth.
There are nexuses that make it easier to move across time, to move across space or to move across densities like this form of harvest does. A soul could come incarnate here to move from 3D to 4D, it doesn't mean the soul came here to do something festive but to make a movement in a right nexus (like taking a plane at the time it takes off). Harvest to a soul is a bit like summer to a plant I guess, it gives the right circumstances to full growth, which is more of the same nature of a natural space-time event (summer) than a holiday. You can think of it in term of proximity and resonance, during the time of harvest it is easy to step from 3D into 4D because they are extremely close, just like it is easier for a plant to grow in summer because it is more with the Sun body. So it's really just like a matter of nature, when are two stars closer? when are more even closer? where are there more even closer! what does it do to be closer to the Sun? what does it do to be closer to the galactic center?
If you want to talk about a holiday, not natural events that relate to the very structure of time/space and space/time as part of this Octave, then Infinity Unity's post says it all. Anyone or anything can attach whatever importance to anyone or anything and that includes the natural events. Today is apparently World AIDS Day here on Earth.