11-25-2017, 03:40 PM
Karma can be viewed simply as momentum.
Actions are causes. Causes have Effects. Effects are consequences, which in turn are also causes. Each cause-effect create infinite strain of cause-effect chains.
Until it is stopped.
Either the entity itself accepting and forgiving itself, therefore accepting the consequences of whatever action it took before, and the impact it will bring on its existence,
or, a greater principle/entity stopping the chain.
However in the latter case, the momentum is just transferred to another entity, and this will create a relationship in between the original entity and the bigger entity in which original entity would eventually balance the consequences of its actions through the bigger entity. Ie, debt was transferred to the bigger entity, and the original entity will handle that cause-effect debt with that entity.
Actions are causes. Causes have Effects. Effects are consequences, which in turn are also causes. Each cause-effect create infinite strain of cause-effect chains.
Until it is stopped.
Either the entity itself accepting and forgiving itself, therefore accepting the consequences of whatever action it took before, and the impact it will bring on its existence,
or, a greater principle/entity stopping the chain.
However in the latter case, the momentum is just transferred to another entity, and this will create a relationship in between the original entity and the bigger entity in which original entity would eventually balance the consequences of its actions through the bigger entity. Ie, debt was transferred to the bigger entity, and the original entity will handle that cause-effect debt with that entity.