11-17-2017, 06:32 PM
(11-17-2017, 12:46 AM)Steppingfeet Wrote: If you liken the higher self's totality of experience up to that point as a movie screen, then a single 3D incarnation might occupy as much space as a pixel on the screen. (Though given the weight or significance of the 3D experience behind the veil this analogy falls apart.) Invoking the magical personality calls forth the higher self to that particular pixel, seeing the richness of that pixel in more vivid detail than might have otherwise been possible.
(11-17-2017, 12:46 AM)Steppingfeet Wrote: I bolded your words in order to say: precisely. Nothing is ever as large or significant as it is in the immediacy of experience. The more distance in time one travels from an experience, the more condensed and less vivid it generally becomes.
That would not be correct.
The experience and the emotions would be even more vivid than the time it was lived as a 3d entity, due to now being seen by a much more aware and developed 6d entity, but, the experience and its strength would be much smaller compared to the spiritual mass, which combines everything the 6d entity and its parallel existences lived/live in totality. More vivid, sharper, more understandable, possibly more meaningful, but much smaller than what it was originally experienced as.
Quote:I was talking with someone the other day about attempting to recall past emotions. Can you re-feel the pain you felt in that particular moment before it was healed? Can you re-feel the laughter you felt when you laughed so hard you cried? You have a narrative memory of it, but the memory seldom seems as powerful as the actual experience.
From a 6d entity perspective, the pain would be as sharp as it was before, but it would be seen in accompaniment to the healing of that pain, in similar sharpness and strength.
Still it would be a small experience compared to the wideness of the 6d entity.