(11-05-2017, 12:45 PM)Steppingfeet Wrote: ***************************************************
75.36 When the magical personality is properly and efficaciously invoked the self has invoked its Higher Self. Thus a bridge betwixt space/time and time/space is made and the sixth-density magical personality experiences directly the third-density catalyst for the duration of the working. It is most central to deliberately take off the magical personality after the working in order that the Higher Self resume its appropriate configuration as analog to the space/time mind/body/spirit.
86.7 the magical personality which is the higher self in space/time analog
73.10 More importantly, the time/space mind/body/spirit analog, which is evoked as the magical personality,
Do you read them as saying:
Higher Self = Space/Time Analog
Magical Personality = Time/Space Analog
The first two quotes above seem to indicate that the higher self is the space/time analog of the third-density mind/body/spirit complex.
(The syntax of 86.7 is confusing. I read it as saying, “the magical personality, which, in space/time analog, is the higher self…”)
The third quote seems to read that, when the higher self is invoked as the magical personality, it then becomes the time/space analog of the mind/body/spirit complex.
I know that the higher self and magical personality are essentially the same thing. When the higher self is properly and efficaciously invoked for the purpose of a working, it is called the magical personality.
Help appreciated.
It seems to be like this:
6d higher self is an analog in 6d space/time, to the manifesting entity in 3rd.
When invoked as a magical personality, 6d higher self has a connection with the manifesting 3d entity, becomes a magical personality of that entity in time/space, and directly experiences the catalyst in 3d. At this point, the 3d entity and 6d entity are in a temporary unison as much as possible, and they manifest together to the extent possible. The 6d entity functions as if it was a personality of the 3d entity.
Ra says that after the work is done, 3d entity should take care to leave/let go of that magical personality, so that higher self can stop being a magical personality directly attached to the 3d entity and directly experiencing 3d catalyst through it. And then higher self can return to properly manifesting as 6d space/time analogue of the 3d entity.
Not so much a different concept than the person grounding himself/herself after a meditation or a magical study, or even not so different than the person grounding himself/herself before getting out of his/her own house on any given day.
After achieving a high amount of opening, rising frequency and a greater connection in between conscious and subconscious during a meditation or spiritual work, therefore leading to more connection in between 3d time/space and higher frequency spheres, and then calling for a temporary unification with the 6d version of oneself, the entity must reverse the process and let the 6d version go and ground himself/herself and re-adopt to the natural environment of 3d.
Not doing so is not disimilar to having a door to the street in your bedroom and then opening it in the middle of your most intimate, personal, silent and peaceful moments in the peace of the night while you are in bed. You need to get up, tidy your bed, dress up before going out to the street.