11-27-2010, 09:45 PM
I'm going to see a Band I like play at a local restaurant tonight. They do all original songs. I liked them so much I bought several of their CDs and have given them to friends as gifts. They have other music available on Amazon for download, and I bought all of their songs. I really like these guys. I can't wait to see them tonight. They are up and coming and trying to "make it". They have a lot of good energy. good vibes. They are trying to live the dream. So who am I to steal it from them? Their music is copyrighted, and I can't see how that has anything to do with the world's elite STS entities trying to hold us down in 3D. The band simply wants to take care of their families doing something they enjoy.
Stealing is stealing. I think that justifying it for any reason is certainly negatively polarized. Deeming someone else as unworthy and negative to justify taking something you desire from them, for your own SELFISH reasons, makes my stomach turn. What would your mother say?
Oh.. but don't bring her into it.
It has nothing to do with that, right? It is all about stealing from those that deserve to be stolen from. Like a modern day Robin Hood. What are you doing with your stolen goods? Loading them up on your MP3 player I assume. Not very Robin Hoodish.
Stealing is stealing. I think that justifying it for any reason is certainly negatively polarized. Deeming someone else as unworthy and negative to justify taking something you desire from them, for your own SELFISH reasons, makes my stomach turn. What would your mother say?
Oh.. but don't bring her into it.