I would like to also point out that in Egyptian mythology the Hawk originally is the bird of Horus and Ra actually has a Falcon head originally, I just always found that kind of interesting. Especially since Ra became especially prominent as Ra-Horus and whom is also a central figure in Thelema. Now they are pretty much interchangeable and you'll see both falcon and hawk associated with both of them.
I largely agree with your assessment as the fulcrum of what most likely the turning point for the group. Really, we can only speculate so far and in my experience meeting Carla and Jim I never got the slightest feeling of negativity from either, only bright and positive, so I would like to be clear that there was something specifically that was weird in that contact and it wasn't a product of either of those individuals. Obviously there is no way I could have met Don so I can only be agnostic at best on what the ultimate dynamic was there,
I largely agree with your assessment as the fulcrum of what most likely the turning point for the group. Really, we can only speculate so far and in my experience meeting Carla and Jim I never got the slightest feeling of negativity from either, only bright and positive, so I would like to be clear that there was something specifically that was weird in that contact and it wasn't a product of either of those individuals. Obviously there is no way I could have met Don so I can only be agnostic at best on what the ultimate dynamic was there,