08-23-2017, 09:36 AM
(This post was last modified: 08-23-2017, 05:13 PM by Plenum.
Edit Reason: line breaks for forum readability
Long time no see my brother!!! I have lurked in the shadows for some time, but I was determined to share what I have found over the years of searching when I saw your question. I truly hope all is well with you, and you have only called forth the catalysts you are prepared for! Unfortunately, my answers will include the LOO source material, but will be also be tainted with other information. Every single one of these answers should be implicitly prefaced by: "According to what I have experienced, which have led me to believe"
(08-18-2017, 10:23 AM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote: I'm interested in creating a resource that draws upon the collective wisdom of others.
Although there will be no absolute uncontestable interpretations, I think collecting multiple viewpoints will help others to sift through the developed experience of others, thus accelerating personal growth.
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1) can you explain, as simply as possibly, what the energy centers are?
Scientifically, we won't be there for a while, because we are looking at a manifestation of something that isn't "matter". It is not just "ephemeral" either, but it falls into the category of a congregation of standing waves that are in the medium where matter is formed (in the medium I think that Ra refers to as the "plenum"). When energy is continually supplied, modalities will form that use the energy, progressively more etropically, forming more "complex" forms to disperse the incoming energy (https://www.quantamagazine.org/first-sup...-20170726/). Furthermore, these complexes will work together (integrate) or against each other (separate) depending on whether the incoming energy can be used in a "non-zero sum game" (http://ncase.me/trust/). Different levels of development change the game, which creates different probabilities to the results of the divisions.
The energy centers are the minimum level of integration (working together) through which they must be individuated (due to mismatch in the frequency of the standing waves), but also communicate as a whole. They are non-physical (the way we interpret matter), but communicate along the physical.
2) given Ra's strict answers, could they be considered as 'homophobic' in the modern world, are at least miscomprehending the diverse nature of human sexuality on this planet?
Channeling always comes through a filter, and as such, pieces get lost in the translation. Personally, I believe that Ra understands the absolute need for diversity, but created a "distortion" (their word) in describing the origin of the influx of sexual/gender diversity. Basically, I believe that they were trying to say that we were always this diverse before, but that the cities create the atmosphere for diversity of expression, as the density of people means that there is less requirement for traditional procreation. I'd also add that we receive sexual/gender information ("energy") from others, and empathic people don't always know when they are feeling their thoughts or others.
Ultimately, none of it matters, because the "rules of procreation" (for expansion of the species) no longer require the same understanding as centuries ago. Furthermore, I believe that we are heading to a semi-eusocial environment where procreation is external, and sex is not necessary for it.
3) are there any obvious internal contradictions within the Ra Material?
They are speaking at a level where the paradoxes have been resolved for them, but we are not at that level. Words like "energy" are better defined for them than for us, and being that they understand from a level of concept, not language, when they use words, they sometimes mean 3 or 4 different things.
4) why is the Ra Material considered by many to be one of the most pure and undiluted transmissions?
Distortions of the people receiving the material. This not only includes the "instruments", but also the readers, such as those on the forum. I believe that they'd argue that there are others that come through with only mild distortions, and are not capable of being "compared". However, there are those instruments which receive from multiple sources in one sitting, and are not aware of the change.
There is a filter-gate for input and one filter-gate for output which people are each in control of. The purpose of the output filter is to distort the thoughts that you have, in order to provide the appearance of control. The purpose of the input filter is to distort (or more accurately, to "focus") the receiving of other data into the mind. The "mind" complex seems to "pluck" information from the "eternal context" (seen as the "space context" in the paper I'm citing), and place it in the "time context" as experience before it is "returned" to the "eternal context" (see Superstructral Reversible Logic, and interpret as "communication" of the medium with itself - https://www.cs.indiana.edu/~sabry/papers...-logic.pdf).
These filters are responsible for perception, as it dilutes and distorts the information. They become more "pure" (as in "less filter") as the 5th chakra is cleared.
5) if there were 2 other single volume books that complement this Material, what would they be?
Prefer not to say, as I'm being told I'd be attacked by the forum for any suggestion. This information is available to anyone truly seeking.
6) can you describe the service-to-others path and the service-to-self path in straightforward, practical language?
As mentioned from the "Evolution of Trust" link I sent above, evolution will sort people into categories. However, the "Evolution of Trust" argument does not work through the spontaneous change that people may have in their lifetimes; therefore, some extrapolation is necessary to understand that the evolution is faster than generational.
Furthermore, the service-to-self path is a necessary extension, as it is the most extreme explorer (through separation), but must always come back (like a paddle-ball). However, it is a painful path.
It is nowhere near as "destructive" (lack of words for what I mean) as not polarizing is. The hierarchy is used as a structure for returning to source, whereas the service-to-others (integration) path requires no hierarchy to remain. The service-to-self path is about refining those filters I was speaking about earlier to an extreme degree, whereas the service-to-others path is about clearing the filters altogether. The input-filter is called "empathy" anyway, and the output-filter is called "openness" (or "bluntness" if you prefer).
Both STS and STO is about the concept we typically call "respect". Those that haven't polarized tend not to respect as much of that which surrounds us. However "respect" manifests in two different ways.
I'm going to add that the mechanism for STS and STO is as follows:
7) is there any way to gain further certainty whether one is a Wanderer or dual-activated? or does one just 'know'?
- STS uses control to separate that which is desired from that which is not desired. STO communicates their desires, and integrates with all. Typically, where STS uses control, STO uses communication.
- STS is about separation, STO is about integration
- STS sees that which cannot be controlled can be managed. That which cannot be managed can be avoided. That which cannot be avoided must be respected, because it teaches us our limits.
- STO sees that which cannot be loved can be understood. That which cannot be understood can be tolerated. That which cannot be tolerated must be respected, for it teaches us about ourselves.
It is a spectrum, and not an on-or-off mode. Much like the filters from before.
8) are there any good resources to help study the archetypes, as described by Ra?
My views would only be my views, and are not written. However, I'd definitely agree that the choice (which is actually about faith) is the most important one to understand. The rest are kind of about development and may help with "manifestation", but they are always working in the background anyway, and are not *necessary* to concern yourself with in order to grow. Best bet is to believe (allow) that you are being worked with every day to understand it, and an understanding will come.
9) Ra advocates the use of dreams and meditation for self-reflection. Is there anything that you would tell yourself about these practices to the version of yourself 2 years ago?
The output-filter and input-filter I was talking about earlier is in reference to this. Inside a person, they "sit right next to each other" (not necessarily in "space"). The noise of the output antenna is too much for the input and must be shut down in order to receive. It just takes practice to turn on and off the filter. Furthermore, the more you use it, the more you can manage it.
10) has the Ra Material had any negative effects in your life?
Probably more so when I allowed the negative beings more sway in my life.
11) what, in your opinion, is the most misunderstood/misapplied concept in the Law of One material?
They are all the same thing
- The choice archetype
- "Allowing"
- The mind is hard
12) what role does physical exercise play in the maintenance of the body complex? if at all.
In these bodies, we moved all the time before. Therefore, for efficiency reasons, the body could "relax" when it came to moving things itself. That history of movement is still working its way back out. We are training the body to move blood, lymph, and "energy" again without having to move so much. However, until then, exercise is necessary.
13) Don asked many questions about the nature of Healing. What passage has illuminated the nature of healing the most for you?
73.13 - healing comes from allowance, or acceptance, through focus and faith
14) what is the role of community (digital, or otherwise) in your journey of seeking?
I am surrounded and although I can turn off my input-filter, I cannot and choose not to remove myself from my surroundings. I believe that ideology in any form can stifle progress, and a balance must be met between allowing in more information and processing that which has been given. This community has both helped and (unintentionally) hurt me, but has been a net-gain overall. It's a place for people to come and discuss, but needs to remain a place for that. I think the extreme ongoing polarizations is making it harder, but that doesn't mean any community should ever be scrapped, for it allows the diversity of experience to happen.
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