Quote:1) can you explain, as simply as possibly, what the energy centers are?
Very roughly, the energy centers are areas in the body where beliefs about the many different types of love are stored. The health and sensations associated with these areas are a great way to determine the purity of your beliefs on a given type of love.
Quote:2) given Ra's strict answers, could they be considered as 'homophobic' in the modern world, are at least miscomprehending the diverse nature of human sexuality on this planet?
No, not unless you consider Ra's suggestion that homosexuality is a lesson concerning balancing the male/female energies of this life and previous lives, which could imply that it is a personal choice in some sense, as a 'homophobic' position.
Quote:3) are there any obvious internal contradictions within the Ra Material?
Quote:4) why is the Ra Material considered by many to be one of the most pure and undiluted transmissions?
It focuses on very general philosophical concepts in an internally consistent conceptual framework which hold up to intense philosophical, moral, and logical inquiry.
Quote:5) if there were 2 other single volume books that complement this Material, what would they be?
Not sure, but Carla's book on Living the Law of One, and her book on safe channeling seem like a good fit.
Quote:6) can you describe the service-to-others path and the service-to-self path in straightforward, practical language?
Service to self: A spiritual path focused exclusively on self-love, at the exclusion of loving another. Absorbing all the energy of creation.
Service to others: A spiritual path focused on unconditional love to all, loving all - the self, others, and everything else. Radiating all the energy of creation.
Quote:7) is there any way to gain further certainty whether one is a Wanderer or dual-activated? or does one just 'know'?
With certainty? No. But I think it is possible to a high probability by observing the wisdom of a person when they quiet their mind and speak from the heart.
Quote:8) are there any good resources to help study the archetypes, as described by Ra?
I have just started to study the archetypes in depth, but I would say that consider the archetypes of the mind first, with the understanding that it represents the process of learning one's lessons in life in the context of polarity. And don't worry if the archetypes don't interest you, as I was only drawn to them after I begun to achieve some balance in my red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and indigo centers, which is something Ra also mentions.
Quote:9) Ra advocates the use of dreams and meditation for self-reflection. Is there anything that you would tell yourself about these practices to the version of yourself 2 years ago?
Don't use only one pre-existing system. Experiment with different forms of meditation on your own. And do the same for dream interpretation. And I would say dreams are just as important.
Quote:10) has the Ra Material had any negative effects in your life?
Not negative or bad, but it can cause one to switch priorities in life, from one focused on the physical to one focused on the spiritual, which can be quite an upheaval if you go about the transition quickly (like I did - no regrets though).
Quote:11) what, in your opinion, is the most misunderstood/misapplied concept in the Law of One material?
Service to others. People think service to others means serving others to the exclusion of yourself. Service to others is better described as serving all, including yourself and others.
Quote:12) what role does physical exercise play in the maintenance of the body complex? if at all.
Not sure if Ra speaks directly to this, but I think common sense would dictate that physical exercise plays a large role. Also from the perspective of the red ray center, exercise, in my opinion, increases the energy flowing through it.
Quote:13) Don asked many questions about the nature of Healing. What passage has illuminated the nature of healing the most for you?
4.20 (nothing to do with weed; Ra actually mentions that weed is somewhat unhelpful)
Quote:14) what is the role of community (digital, or otherwise) in your journey of seeking?
A place to learn and teach. A place to better understand the materially conceptually, but also a place where you can discuss how to apply the philosophies to situations, scenarios, and choices that play a part of our everyday life.