07-26-2017, 12:38 AM
Hi Ches,
welcome to the forum. Your story is indeed relatable, not only to me but also to others here, I'm sure. I've had very similar experiences and I've seen friends have this experience. I believe it's actually quite common among the spiritual seekers. I remember fondly the first time it happened to me, I was invincible and radiant. It was beyond doubt that I was here chosen for some great mission to save the planet. I remember falling down over two meters onto some jagged rocks while out with friends and being completely uninjured, my body having been reinforced by loving energies, like a shaolin monk or something. I had done it! I had opened myself up to god and love and the universe and life was going to be a walk in the park from now on.
Right? Wrong.
I now understand this experience to have been completely premature and severely imbalanced. Just like you, I suffered an awful crash. It's been a few years now, and I still alternate between opening and closing my heart chakra, but the alternations grow more and more subtle, moving from the extremes of the past to simply different level of openness. I now have great faith that all is and has been going according to plan. Certainly, it is the same with you, whether or not you believe it. The act of seeking love, of seeking enlightenment, is never in vain.
As for your particular context, you may wish to consider that one a deeper level of your being, you actually don't want to go back to love yet, even if in your conscious mind you say you do. You may not wish to put yourself in that position again. I know that it is definitely a constant theme in my life, opening the heart, getting stepped on, closing the heart. Not wanting to make yourself vulnerable. Needing control. It's so easy to love, until you are thrown into the maelstrom of human relationships and interactions. These issues are not of the heart, but rather they are of the lower centers. Once smoothed out, love becomes not this frantic, overpowering feeling which leads you to a crash, but rather the smooth knowing of unity which you can call upon at any time, subtly and powerfully guiding those human interactions, refining your personality to further and further extents.
In closing, I would say that all is well, and you have good things to look forwards to in the future. With that, dear sister, I ask you to be at peace and to have faith and determination in your own path. A pendulum cannot swing forever.
welcome to the forum. Your story is indeed relatable, not only to me but also to others here, I'm sure. I've had very similar experiences and I've seen friends have this experience. I believe it's actually quite common among the spiritual seekers. I remember fondly the first time it happened to me, I was invincible and radiant. It was beyond doubt that I was here chosen for some great mission to save the planet. I remember falling down over two meters onto some jagged rocks while out with friends and being completely uninjured, my body having been reinforced by loving energies, like a shaolin monk or something. I had done it! I had opened myself up to god and love and the universe and life was going to be a walk in the park from now on.
Right? Wrong.
I now understand this experience to have been completely premature and severely imbalanced. Just like you, I suffered an awful crash. It's been a few years now, and I still alternate between opening and closing my heart chakra, but the alternations grow more and more subtle, moving from the extremes of the past to simply different level of openness. I now have great faith that all is and has been going according to plan. Certainly, it is the same with you, whether or not you believe it. The act of seeking love, of seeking enlightenment, is never in vain.
As for your particular context, you may wish to consider that one a deeper level of your being, you actually don't want to go back to love yet, even if in your conscious mind you say you do. You may not wish to put yourself in that position again. I know that it is definitely a constant theme in my life, opening the heart, getting stepped on, closing the heart. Not wanting to make yourself vulnerable. Needing control. It's so easy to love, until you are thrown into the maelstrom of human relationships and interactions. These issues are not of the heart, but rather they are of the lower centers. Once smoothed out, love becomes not this frantic, overpowering feeling which leads you to a crash, but rather the smooth knowing of unity which you can call upon at any time, subtly and powerfully guiding those human interactions, refining your personality to further and further extents.
In closing, I would say that all is well, and you have good things to look forwards to in the future. With that, dear sister, I ask you to be at peace and to have faith and determination in your own path. A pendulum cannot swing forever.