11-15-2010, 04:36 PM
(11-15-2010, 03:49 PM)Aaron Wrote: But can we say that higher density matter such as thought attracts with a gravitational pull? That is, does it bend space and time so as to effect other things around it?
as per dewey, the first point to stop expanding, or reverse expanding, becomes an 'entity'. a 'thing'. exists.
if it stops expanding, it would mean that, compared to other points, it is attracting. if it is attracting, it means, its already attracting.
so, logically, any thing that exists, should attract, including thought forms, concepts.
the process of attracting events by thought, would be concentrating on that particular thought and attracting to the focus point that you are.
Quote:I wonder how this ties into the concept of "spiritual mass" that's mentioned in the Ra material. I never fully understood that. Maybe we can start a new thread exploring that concept.
the spiritual mass would be comparable to the power of gravity, attraction of the focus.
Quote:Visualizing what you say here, the universe branching out like a tree, it occurs to me that trees naturally branch out five ways: trunk, branch, stick (sub branch, several of these coming off one large branch), twig (several of these coming off one stick), leaf. This would correspond with GSS, cluster logos, galactic logos, planetary logos, and beings like you or I. That just seems more natural than having an extra logos for clusters of clusters of galaxies, I suppose. haha!
tree is a broad analogy. it wouldnt exactly hold out with the trunks. trunks are a necessity of planetary surfaces.