11-14-2010, 03:35 PM
(11-14-2010, 02:15 PM)Aaron Wrote: Yep, it's a logical process to verify the existence of an object using gravity as a qualifier. But that only works up to third density. I think you're absolutely spot on when you say that for something to count as existing, it must affect something else in existence. In my understanding, that's how the universe works. But can't something exist without gravity that still affects other things in existence? What about a thought?
gravity, is attraction. it works in all densities.
the black holes are where creation merges with 'the one creator'. that means, it is above density/dimension. and light also cant escape it.
nothing can exist without attracting others. includes thought.
this is how it is explained to us in dewey physics that were used to explain these concepts.
you can name this 'existential' attraction or spiritual attraction, and say that gravity is a result of this. but it doesnt change - there is a force of attraction that works, for things to exist.
Quote:I agree with you on all those points. I was wondering about the somewhat trivial point of whether or not the hierarchical pattern goes somewhat like this: GSS, sub-logos (galactic, also simply called logos by Ra), sub-logos (planetary, such as our sun), sub-sub-logos (intelligent beings on a planet such as you or I). This is the way it's mentioned in the Ra material; but that could be due to Don not questioning about higher logoi than the galactic.
If that's the case, it would go possibly like this: GSS, sub-logos (logos creating a local cluster of galaxies), sub-sub-logos (galactic), sub-sub-sub-logos (planetary, such as our sun), sub-sub-sub-sub-logos (intelligent beings on a planet such as you or I).
It's even possible to speculate another logos into there as the being that maintains what's known in astronomy as a "supercluster" of galaxies. Like I said, it's kind of a trivial point though.
think about the big bang - a sudden boom outwards.
it would find stronger focus points that it would cling to, and what was reflecting from those focus point would find lesser, nearby focus points to reflect from. and so, it would branch out like the branches of a tree. there would be thicker branches, and smaller branches coming out from it.
a natural flow out.