I think I've finally come to understand the meanings of love and light.
Love is a simple aspect of the higher vibrational frequencies which permeate through the mind/body/spirit complex.
Each of these express a vibrational emotional complex which permeates our third and higher density being.
Allowing of a greater, more efficient flow of these vibrational energies.
In the old world this is the generic wording applied to these vibrational complexes,
simply because they permeate and are understood by the mind much more efficiently them simply stating love and light.
These basic understanding are what led those ascended masters to a higher plane of beauty.
Not seeking truth but seeking the understanding of all oneness which permeates through the life core of being.
Though there is a more sexually oriented path to incur the same out come, it is more of a service to self path which
holds a much more difficult path to take.
Please note these are just my opinions, feel free to criticize or comment.
Love is a simple aspect of the higher vibrational frequencies which permeate through the mind/body/spirit complex.
Each of these express a vibrational emotional complex which permeates our third and higher density being.
Allowing of a greater, more efficient flow of these vibrational energies.
In the old world this is the generic wording applied to these vibrational complexes,
simply because they permeate and are understood by the mind much more efficiently them simply stating love and light.
These basic understanding are what led those ascended masters to a higher plane of beauty.
Not seeking truth but seeking the understanding of all oneness which permeates through the life core of being.
Though there is a more sexually oriented path to incur the same out come, it is more of a service to self path which
holds a much more difficult path to take.
Please note these are just my opinions, feel free to criticize or comment.