05-08-2017, 10:20 PM
Those are the same thing in my mind, tbh, but smudging is a good idea if you want to work on the outer aura or a good incense. If you can find a good strong wind to stand in that is great too, but yes in general the same answers apply.
If hookah is something that works for you then you can use it as a technique by visualizing the smoke that you inhale as being sacred and full of light so when you inhale it fills your body and and flows out through your whole aura and then as you blow out visualize all of the other people's energy being blown away and out with the smoke where it will be balanced by elementals. You can use a simple breathing technique in the same way, breath in light, breath out 'darkness' until you breathe out light.
If hookah is something that works for you then you can use it as a technique by visualizing the smoke that you inhale as being sacred and full of light so when you inhale it fills your body and and flows out through your whole aura and then as you blow out visualize all of the other people's energy being blown away and out with the smoke where it will be balanced by elementals. You can use a simple breathing technique in the same way, breath in light, breath out 'darkness' until you breathe out light.