05-07-2017, 01:07 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-08-2017, 08:00 AM by Coordinate_Apotheosis.
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Shared Reading with redactions for privacy, thank you to the kind soul who allowed me to share this. I apologize and ask you PM me immediately if you wish for me to remove any specific information.
H811 Leo
Hi there you are oddly balanced. I did your reading a bit unusually due to the extensive nature of your balancing in your own system. I’m at a bit…lot of a loss as to how to describe or explain half of what I’ve seen, a lot of it was like looking through heavy static, like fibrous static, which later on revealed itself to me to be your indigo ray’s auric body having enveloped in upon itself. You seem to have some kind of feedback loop in the higher chakras that has been directing you for a while now, some kind of preincarnational or mid-incarnation choice to adjust the balance of the system. As I see it now… Imagine a pipeline with a yellow junction that squeezes up to slow energy flow deliberately as made to do so by the indigo ray influences, and then as the pressure builds the red ray slows, the magenta ray slows, and the yellow ray stabilizes (as one might grow suddenly active before asphyxiating, or in this case you could see it as the yellow ray being unable to hold its breath any longer and inhales sucking in the excess energy propelling it up forcing the lower chakras to react) and then the green ray seems unaffected, the blue ray as well, but the indigo ray grows…bigger, as if puffing up like a cat’s tail only all over, and then when the energy breaks through the yellow juncture it erupts forward spinning rapidly the orange ray and red and magenta rays while seeming to completely phase through green, blue, and hits indigo which then… Wraps the incoming energy like a… Chemistry set of tubes around in loops and back down into the green and blue ray and the rest of the lower rays stabilizing the yellow ray and reinforcing the resiliency of the orange and red rays to handle the sudden discharge of energy and the afterward weariness of the system as it recovers and repeats the process. Why you have it setup this way is beyond me, I couldn’t parse a majority of the indigo ray due to your own inert defense system. Think of it like this. Imagine your indigo ray is a cactus. Imagine trying to see the inside of a cactus through its spines when it is just overflowing with them spreading out down and across it like a shaggy-haired…layer of cacti spines. Like a…cacti dog, only a very active and interestingly used indigo ray. Not something you want to get close to if you don’t wanna get hurt. This isn’t to say your indigo ray is unusual or abnormal, on the contrary you have set it up in a way I haven’t seen, but this configuration is as any other an acceptable one or else it wouldn’t be upon you.
I’ll do a quick synopsis of your entire system then answer your question.
Magenta: Norminal, speeds up and slows down from higher activity, is associated linked with indigo ray.
Red: Half active, over half comes on and off intermittently, comes on during high flow, turns off during low flow. These however are due more to indigo ray influences, overall however the indigo ray association with the red ray is nominal and seems to have some sort of future plan in mind that I can’t figure out. [redacted]. Your placement on Earth is disconnected, you should get out into nature much more often.
Orange: Crispy edges from overactivation but in small amounts which is confusing until the indigo associations were realized as strengthening the resiliency of the chakra so it didn’t get damaged during the high periods of activity with some exceptions including a weary strain and periods of very low activity resulting in low self esteem and may even result in complicated confusing deep thoughts of disconnection and separation as you lose your grip on your own self and your ability and power and slip into a tired hazy laze as if you were as a spirit becoming drowsy and dozing off. Has a yellow ray association of debasement that might be a paradox loop caused by an overactive indigo ray resulting in it effecting the lower chakras creating its own problem that loops back down into creating problems in lower chakras that effect one another, however I can’t tell for certain. The orange ray appears as dim stars twinkling in a dark dark almost black orange sky, it desires to simply be desired and this yellow ray association of desire of other-self results in a red ray blockage against your sexuality and feeling of placement on Earth, you feel isolated and alone but in a physical sense more than any other way and this fuels your disdain and scathing view of yourself that reflects into others.
Yellow: Underactive and tense mostly, an imbalance due to orange ray associations and indigo ray associations creating a complex and complicated personality that is seen as undesirable, and thus yearns to be desired, but shuns itself and others and shys away. There is a word I just thought of for this.
Frankenstein Syndrome, you appear as a monster and others seem to pick up on this, but you are not a monster, you are just another creation in need of love. You treat yourself as such though, you should relax on your view of yourself and others.
The indigo associations in the yellow ray cause it to tense up and deactivate further so as to act as a choke point for energy, from here the energy builds slowly imbuing the yellow ray with stabilizing energy, until once stabilized it is blown open and the energy pushed upward in great force, this force is necessary for the indigo association links to properly be traversed (like a neuron needs enough electricity to properly pass it along to the next neuron) so as to fuel the lower chakras beneath it. This supports the yellow ray during it’s times of overactivation and burn out along with the burnt out weariness of the orange ray so that each do not become damaged from the process. It however is taxing and might be experienced as short bursts of energy that the body might handle the way as it does stress.
Green: Nominal and patiently awaiting your conscientious attempts to delve deeper into it.
Inner Green: You have not yet come to accept yourself on a deeper level, but you have begun the process, you have begun the labeling process, and thus you have begun attempting to make connections. You have a very high potential green ray especially because if it is presently activated when you experience an energy burst, it will also be empowered as the indigo ray is, which will result in I imagine a very sunshiny and loving personality change, temporarily until you grow weary again and the entire system naturally slows down. The green ray might remain open during this, and may be the key to undoing this configuration if you do not like it. The Green ray is the key to your indigo ray’s formations at least from the associations I can see. It is what gives the ‘green light’ to make a change, but I don’t think it was always this way as it appears to be done this way because of the indigo ray connections to it. The energy fed here by the indigo ray is recycled and dispersed much like a light refinery takes condensed energy and refines it into a new form. Every high you experience is partially due to the energy you gain by an activated green ray being fed energy to convert.
Blue: Nominal, literally nothing to worry about, but a potential exists to form a best friend through sharing some secrets.
Indigo: Clusterfuck, just a clusterfuck, just don’t ask me, just don’t, I did what I could but it’s just not something I can see too far into. It’s not a spirit guide but you yourself. You have a very hairy indigo ray and the hair is made of spines to me, but to your chakras is like vines that root into them and give them new programming and sustenance, even going through green ray to convert the energy to radiate light passively (in greater amount temporarily) to lighten the atmosphere. There’s some associations with the lower triad that I think might explain paradoxically an effect, but I can’t see beyond that to the ‘cause’ of that paradoxical effect. Get a haircut
Violet: You have a very patient overlooking presence that is deeply and highly patient and devoted to contemplating your present moment more so than your future as your future is your present moment, you make your life in the now and for this reason you have an energetic system designed the way it is to help you live both the highs and lows of life to the fullest to gather a full dual perspective before integrating everything back into balance and making your life a tool for your spiritual growth, whereas right now you are a tool to your life, just as planned. The tool becomes the mechanic. The instrument becomes the musician. The story becomes the author.
Lower Triad: Acts like a Dam to fuel the entire system in a different way from the usual. Every chakra working in tandem with one another is doing as it is programmed by the indigo ray connections into them. All of these can be undone from the inner green ray and the indigo associations can be cleared up into refined amorphous flows of energy rather than amorphous lined vines of energy.
Upper Triad: You’re quite an interesting incarnation, your balance is multi-stacked. You’re bottom heavy in the whole triad that is balanced with a top heavy powerful indigo ray. The bridge teeter-totters with keeping a fine balance between low energy and high energy exchanges. The bridge also when hit by the influx of lower energies is imbalanced and requires time to stabilize again resulting in a natural shut down of loving energies if they are not being perpetuated conscientiously from the low-energy-point into the high-energy-point. The best way to ensure the imbalance doesn’t occur is to meditate on finding forgiveness and love in yourself and others once you feel your low energy about to jump into high energy.
Kundalini: Technically the kundalini is typically not reaching over orange ray, it sometimes jumps up to green and blue but very temporarily, if you can manage to raise the kundalini to mid or high yellow ray you will be able to maintain it up to green ray for much longer periods of time. I suggest you take time to get to discover more deeply who you are through loving interactions with your shadow self to begin discovering what areas of the red, orange, and yellow chakras need to be balanced and unblocked to create a minimal enough open balance for kundalini to continuously move through.
13. [redacted]
Okies, that is the reading so far, if you have further questions or want an ‘additional’ reading or ‘add-on’ to something already given then you MUST ask in the format of a question to keep the reading going smoothly.
I hope you enjoyed this~ I did the reading in an unusual way due to the unusual complex feedback I was getting, I had to do each chakra one by one then do the synopsis, whereas I can usually do a synopsis without needing to do each chakra by itself.
[[[This reading took nearly three hours to do]]]
Thank you again for letting me share this and I so very much am sorry if I have misunderstood!
H811 Leo
Hi there you are oddly balanced. I did your reading a bit unusually due to the extensive nature of your balancing in your own system. I’m at a bit…lot of a loss as to how to describe or explain half of what I’ve seen, a lot of it was like looking through heavy static, like fibrous static, which later on revealed itself to me to be your indigo ray’s auric body having enveloped in upon itself. You seem to have some kind of feedback loop in the higher chakras that has been directing you for a while now, some kind of preincarnational or mid-incarnation choice to adjust the balance of the system. As I see it now… Imagine a pipeline with a yellow junction that squeezes up to slow energy flow deliberately as made to do so by the indigo ray influences, and then as the pressure builds the red ray slows, the magenta ray slows, and the yellow ray stabilizes (as one might grow suddenly active before asphyxiating, or in this case you could see it as the yellow ray being unable to hold its breath any longer and inhales sucking in the excess energy propelling it up forcing the lower chakras to react) and then the green ray seems unaffected, the blue ray as well, but the indigo ray grows…bigger, as if puffing up like a cat’s tail only all over, and then when the energy breaks through the yellow juncture it erupts forward spinning rapidly the orange ray and red and magenta rays while seeming to completely phase through green, blue, and hits indigo which then… Wraps the incoming energy like a… Chemistry set of tubes around in loops and back down into the green and blue ray and the rest of the lower rays stabilizing the yellow ray and reinforcing the resiliency of the orange and red rays to handle the sudden discharge of energy and the afterward weariness of the system as it recovers and repeats the process. Why you have it setup this way is beyond me, I couldn’t parse a majority of the indigo ray due to your own inert defense system. Think of it like this. Imagine your indigo ray is a cactus. Imagine trying to see the inside of a cactus through its spines when it is just overflowing with them spreading out down and across it like a shaggy-haired…layer of cacti spines. Like a…cacti dog, only a very active and interestingly used indigo ray. Not something you want to get close to if you don’t wanna get hurt. This isn’t to say your indigo ray is unusual or abnormal, on the contrary you have set it up in a way I haven’t seen, but this configuration is as any other an acceptable one or else it wouldn’t be upon you.
I’ll do a quick synopsis of your entire system then answer your question.
Magenta: Norminal, speeds up and slows down from higher activity, is associated linked with indigo ray.
Red: Half active, over half comes on and off intermittently, comes on during high flow, turns off during low flow. These however are due more to indigo ray influences, overall however the indigo ray association with the red ray is nominal and seems to have some sort of future plan in mind that I can’t figure out. [redacted]. Your placement on Earth is disconnected, you should get out into nature much more often.
Orange: Crispy edges from overactivation but in small amounts which is confusing until the indigo associations were realized as strengthening the resiliency of the chakra so it didn’t get damaged during the high periods of activity with some exceptions including a weary strain and periods of very low activity resulting in low self esteem and may even result in complicated confusing deep thoughts of disconnection and separation as you lose your grip on your own self and your ability and power and slip into a tired hazy laze as if you were as a spirit becoming drowsy and dozing off. Has a yellow ray association of debasement that might be a paradox loop caused by an overactive indigo ray resulting in it effecting the lower chakras creating its own problem that loops back down into creating problems in lower chakras that effect one another, however I can’t tell for certain. The orange ray appears as dim stars twinkling in a dark dark almost black orange sky, it desires to simply be desired and this yellow ray association of desire of other-self results in a red ray blockage against your sexuality and feeling of placement on Earth, you feel isolated and alone but in a physical sense more than any other way and this fuels your disdain and scathing view of yourself that reflects into others.
Yellow: Underactive and tense mostly, an imbalance due to orange ray associations and indigo ray associations creating a complex and complicated personality that is seen as undesirable, and thus yearns to be desired, but shuns itself and others and shys away. There is a word I just thought of for this.
Frankenstein Syndrome, you appear as a monster and others seem to pick up on this, but you are not a monster, you are just another creation in need of love. You treat yourself as such though, you should relax on your view of yourself and others.
The indigo associations in the yellow ray cause it to tense up and deactivate further so as to act as a choke point for energy, from here the energy builds slowly imbuing the yellow ray with stabilizing energy, until once stabilized it is blown open and the energy pushed upward in great force, this force is necessary for the indigo association links to properly be traversed (like a neuron needs enough electricity to properly pass it along to the next neuron) so as to fuel the lower chakras beneath it. This supports the yellow ray during it’s times of overactivation and burn out along with the burnt out weariness of the orange ray so that each do not become damaged from the process. It however is taxing and might be experienced as short bursts of energy that the body might handle the way as it does stress.
Green: Nominal and patiently awaiting your conscientious attempts to delve deeper into it.
Inner Green: You have not yet come to accept yourself on a deeper level, but you have begun the process, you have begun the labeling process, and thus you have begun attempting to make connections. You have a very high potential green ray especially because if it is presently activated when you experience an energy burst, it will also be empowered as the indigo ray is, which will result in I imagine a very sunshiny and loving personality change, temporarily until you grow weary again and the entire system naturally slows down. The green ray might remain open during this, and may be the key to undoing this configuration if you do not like it. The Green ray is the key to your indigo ray’s formations at least from the associations I can see. It is what gives the ‘green light’ to make a change, but I don’t think it was always this way as it appears to be done this way because of the indigo ray connections to it. The energy fed here by the indigo ray is recycled and dispersed much like a light refinery takes condensed energy and refines it into a new form. Every high you experience is partially due to the energy you gain by an activated green ray being fed energy to convert.
Blue: Nominal, literally nothing to worry about, but a potential exists to form a best friend through sharing some secrets.
Indigo: Clusterfuck, just a clusterfuck, just don’t ask me, just don’t, I did what I could but it’s just not something I can see too far into. It’s not a spirit guide but you yourself. You have a very hairy indigo ray and the hair is made of spines to me, but to your chakras is like vines that root into them and give them new programming and sustenance, even going through green ray to convert the energy to radiate light passively (in greater amount temporarily) to lighten the atmosphere. There’s some associations with the lower triad that I think might explain paradoxically an effect, but I can’t see beyond that to the ‘cause’ of that paradoxical effect. Get a haircut
Violet: You have a very patient overlooking presence that is deeply and highly patient and devoted to contemplating your present moment more so than your future as your future is your present moment, you make your life in the now and for this reason you have an energetic system designed the way it is to help you live both the highs and lows of life to the fullest to gather a full dual perspective before integrating everything back into balance and making your life a tool for your spiritual growth, whereas right now you are a tool to your life, just as planned. The tool becomes the mechanic. The instrument becomes the musician. The story becomes the author.
Lower Triad: Acts like a Dam to fuel the entire system in a different way from the usual. Every chakra working in tandem with one another is doing as it is programmed by the indigo ray connections into them. All of these can be undone from the inner green ray and the indigo associations can be cleared up into refined amorphous flows of energy rather than amorphous lined vines of energy.
Upper Triad: You’re quite an interesting incarnation, your balance is multi-stacked. You’re bottom heavy in the whole triad that is balanced with a top heavy powerful indigo ray. The bridge teeter-totters with keeping a fine balance between low energy and high energy exchanges. The bridge also when hit by the influx of lower energies is imbalanced and requires time to stabilize again resulting in a natural shut down of loving energies if they are not being perpetuated conscientiously from the low-energy-point into the high-energy-point. The best way to ensure the imbalance doesn’t occur is to meditate on finding forgiveness and love in yourself and others once you feel your low energy about to jump into high energy.
Kundalini: Technically the kundalini is typically not reaching over orange ray, it sometimes jumps up to green and blue but very temporarily, if you can manage to raise the kundalini to mid or high yellow ray you will be able to maintain it up to green ray for much longer periods of time. I suggest you take time to get to discover more deeply who you are through loving interactions with your shadow self to begin discovering what areas of the red, orange, and yellow chakras need to be balanced and unblocked to create a minimal enough open balance for kundalini to continuously move through.
13. [redacted]
Okies, that is the reading so far, if you have further questions or want an ‘additional’ reading or ‘add-on’ to something already given then you MUST ask in the format of a question to keep the reading going smoothly.
I hope you enjoyed this~ I did the reading in an unusual way due to the unusual complex feedback I was getting, I had to do each chakra one by one then do the synopsis, whereas I can usually do a synopsis without needing to do each chakra by itself.
[[[This reading took nearly three hours to do]]]
Thank you again for letting me share this and I so very much am sorry if I have misunderstood!