I'm going to try to explain a very general use of archetypes. Note, I know relatively nothing about astrology, but I'm going to use astrology as a possible example of understanding archetypes.
Visualize a dot surrounded by a circle. Now divide that circle into twelve sections. The dot in the center will represent the sun, our sub-Logos. Each of the twelve sections represent dominant patterns of the psyche. Each astrological sign represents a pattern of behavior or perhaps more adequately, the personality of the soul. All souls have positive and negative characteristics, a light and a dark side, but most people generally emphasize the negative qualities of others. The point of this little illustration is to see that everyone you may view negatively has positive characteristics and furthermore, all individual souls highlight different aspects of the Creator. All entities are a microcosm of the Creator.
Each astrological sign represents an archetypal pattern, and furthermore, all archetypal patterns attempt to replicate the original archetype, which would be the Sun/Logos/Creator.
The archetype that is most often used in movies and stories is that of the Hero and the Hero's Journey... It generally entails a protagonist going on an adventure, overcoming difficult obstacles and then "coming home" transformed.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hero%27s_journey
I'm not sure you will find any of this helpful, but it is a way for me to transform perceived "negative qualities" of others into positive ones, and to recognize all entities as another aspect of my Self, perhaps highlighting different aspects/qualities.
Not to confuse you, but the way I am referring to archetypes is a bit different than the archetypal mind discussed in detail by Ra. I'm speaking of archetypes, not necessarily the archetypal mind.
Visualize a dot surrounded by a circle. Now divide that circle into twelve sections. The dot in the center will represent the sun, our sub-Logos. Each of the twelve sections represent dominant patterns of the psyche. Each astrological sign represents a pattern of behavior or perhaps more adequately, the personality of the soul. All souls have positive and negative characteristics, a light and a dark side, but most people generally emphasize the negative qualities of others. The point of this little illustration is to see that everyone you may view negatively has positive characteristics and furthermore, all individual souls highlight different aspects of the Creator. All entities are a microcosm of the Creator.
Each astrological sign represents an archetypal pattern, and furthermore, all archetypal patterns attempt to replicate the original archetype, which would be the Sun/Logos/Creator.
The archetype that is most often used in movies and stories is that of the Hero and the Hero's Journey... It generally entails a protagonist going on an adventure, overcoming difficult obstacles and then "coming home" transformed.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hero%27s_journey
I'm not sure you will find any of this helpful, but it is a way for me to transform perceived "negative qualities" of others into positive ones, and to recognize all entities as another aspect of my Self, perhaps highlighting different aspects/qualities.
Not to confuse you, but the way I am referring to archetypes is a bit different than the archetypal mind discussed in detail by Ra. I'm speaking of archetypes, not necessarily the archetypal mind.