(04-19-2017, 11:59 AM)Majana Silvo Wrote: Has anyone an idea if there is there a reason, or why they (Ra) speak of mind/body/spirit complex and I mean specific the order of the words : mind, body and spirit?
Was the mind first, before there was a body? Or did we first have a body and was the mind created from there on as an evolutionary path?
Or was the spirit first? Spirit creating a mind and then a body?
My understanding is that in the beginning mind, body, and spirit were indistinguishable from one another. They were just one "thing" (or non-thing since there are no separate objects at this level).
However this state most closely resembled spirit, or pure Beingness.
This Beingness then became self referential (self aware) forming the first subtle proto egoic structure (this is the Logos manifestation). That was the first manifestation of what we call "mind". The act of forming an inner dimension, such as mind, also reflexively and instantaneously creates an outer dimension called "body". In the case of the Logos, this body was "Light". Love was its mind, and Light was its body, and pure awareness, or Being, is its spirit.
And we are all extensions of those archetypal manifestations.