11-04-2010, 02:19 PM
Meerie, I'd say do what you feel comfortable with.
Before I moved, I was sleeping on some 800+ Sacred G posters. That can really get energy flowing.
If you feel it's too much, then by all means redistribute them. You could also ask the crystals
yes no questions. A no will feel heavy, and a yes feels light.
Also, have you learned to dowse with pendulum? That is a direct link to your subconscious.
I used pendulums for many things.
Before I moved, I was sleeping on some 800+ Sacred G posters. That can really get energy flowing.
If you feel it's too much, then by all means redistribute them. You could also ask the crystals
yes no questions. A no will feel heavy, and a yes feels light.
Also, have you learned to dowse with pendulum? That is a direct link to your subconscious.
I used pendulums for many things.