12-29-2016, 08:19 PM
(05-31-2014, 12:08 AM)anagogy Wrote:(05-30-2014, 11:21 AM)isis Wrote: I believe the creator is something that's unchangeable - & without desire. Therefore, I think it is something that's complete & this would mean the creator already knows all there is to be known.
This is how I see it as well, isis.
To be fair, there are an infinity of vibrational levels to the creator, and the illusion looks different at every level. But if we are specifically referring to the broadest manifestation of the creator, intelligent infinity, I also believe it is unchanging, all knowing, and desireless.
But in being all knowing, it also knows with absolutely infinite scope, intensity, and precision what it is like to *not* know everything. And since that particular knowing is part of that omniscience, we confuse that apprehension of infinite intelligence as our reality. Our experience of reality is *just* the creator knowing what that is like. It is one of the uncountable probable realities enfolded in that infinite consciousness. And in that wake of that infinitely powerful knowing, that infinitely powerful imagination, it appears absolutely like a real reality of separation, even though that cannot actually be.
These are the illusory streams of consciousness I was talking about before.
I agree with everything you say except for desire. I believe the creators "desire" is so pure and so loving that desire undermines it and slanders it. However I believe the creator does have directed will, and I don't think we would b here with out the creators desire to or will. I believe the desire of the creator is found within every one of your own desires., and the overarching desire Is to create an effecient, exciting and loving experience/experiences for it's children. I think the creator sacrificed himself in becoming these octaves. To me its more about that. Knowing the one infinite majestic one. Laid it all down for manyness and the potential of love. That having all power and being immortal meant nothing and that love held all the keys. You are like a sweet little baby to the creator.