12-26-2016, 06:36 AM
Dear Adonai one,dear fellow seekers,
I would like to offer my thoughts and experiences on this matter. Please discard any thought that doesnt apply to you or doesnt ring true!
I must admit, that I find the discussion a little bit too technical, leaving outthe emotional aspects, which are, in my opinion, the very core.
In my experience, comitting to a realationship will leadone sooner orlater ( usually sooner) to ones childhood issues withrealationships. The more comitted and deeper the relationship, the deeper the issues, that arise.
Adding sexuality to the relationship will deeply "enhance" this " healing process" (which in fact it is, I would say).
A sexual encounter will open up ones heart considerably, even if its a casual encounter, much more in a comitted relationship, thus bringing more emotional issues to the surface.
It has been talked about red- ray issues for example. What would be a red-ray issue? It would be for example the experience of being sexually abused in early childhood. In such an experience the pain on a soul level is beyond all imagination and unbearable. The fear of death would be overwhelming since the enrgy of the experience would not be "survivable" by the child or baby. It would simply result in the end of the incarnation.
As soon as one is zruly comitted to relationship, this fear will knock on ones door. Maybe not consciously, but somewhere down below.
What would be a orange-ray issue? It could be for example the experience of having no contact to the beings in ones surrounding. This could stem from parents who are not really present, who dont have an open heart, who are not really able to care. Sounds familiar?
This, on the deepest level, results in a feeling of complete "contact-less-ness", having no contact at all to nothing at all. (Remember, we re coming out of a surrounding where we are connected with everything, pre-birth).
This was the most frightening, painful and unbearable enrgy I ever experienced in my healing process.
What could be a yellow-ray issue? It could be jealousy for example. The experience that we would be neglected or even abondoned because the would be a new baby in the family or whatever.
For a lot of people, this would be a serious threat. Since one doesnt receive enough care and love anyway, then one loses that little bit also. The love bonding between mother and child is the only thing which insures ones survival as a child.
I think, those are some of the issues, one has to face in a truly deep relationship. These are no technical issues, these are serious emotional issues which might bring one undoubtedly to ones present limit.
I think this is thevery core of the avoidance of relationship or close relationship.
I honestly think, and there is no offense intended, that most poly-multi-whatever models ofrelationships are mostly a result of avoiding all these issues and giving it a " spiritual appeareance".
There might be ( but I think very rare) human beings which honestly went through all those emotions and are willing to go through even more heavy emotions in reltionships with multiple partners.
I would assume however, for the majority it is a means of avoiding all this.
Having said that, It is in my experience absolutely possible to have a seriously comitted relationship with a steady partner and still be free to love many other human beings.
Not in an romantic way but on a "true love level". There would be a lot of jealousy issues but in my experience it is entirely possible.
All of this might not be true for you, Adonai One, but it is my experience since I ve been in the "relationship business".
I would like to offer my thoughts and experiences on this matter. Please discard any thought that doesnt apply to you or doesnt ring true!
I must admit, that I find the discussion a little bit too technical, leaving outthe emotional aspects, which are, in my opinion, the very core.
In my experience, comitting to a realationship will leadone sooner orlater ( usually sooner) to ones childhood issues withrealationships. The more comitted and deeper the relationship, the deeper the issues, that arise.
Adding sexuality to the relationship will deeply "enhance" this " healing process" (which in fact it is, I would say).
A sexual encounter will open up ones heart considerably, even if its a casual encounter, much more in a comitted relationship, thus bringing more emotional issues to the surface.
It has been talked about red- ray issues for example. What would be a red-ray issue? It would be for example the experience of being sexually abused in early childhood. In such an experience the pain on a soul level is beyond all imagination and unbearable. The fear of death would be overwhelming since the enrgy of the experience would not be "survivable" by the child or baby. It would simply result in the end of the incarnation.
As soon as one is zruly comitted to relationship, this fear will knock on ones door. Maybe not consciously, but somewhere down below.
What would be a orange-ray issue? It could be for example the experience of having no contact to the beings in ones surrounding. This could stem from parents who are not really present, who dont have an open heart, who are not really able to care. Sounds familiar?
This, on the deepest level, results in a feeling of complete "contact-less-ness", having no contact at all to nothing at all. (Remember, we re coming out of a surrounding where we are connected with everything, pre-birth).
This was the most frightening, painful and unbearable enrgy I ever experienced in my healing process.
What could be a yellow-ray issue? It could be jealousy for example. The experience that we would be neglected or even abondoned because the would be a new baby in the family or whatever.
For a lot of people, this would be a serious threat. Since one doesnt receive enough care and love anyway, then one loses that little bit also. The love bonding between mother and child is the only thing which insures ones survival as a child.
I think, those are some of the issues, one has to face in a truly deep relationship. These are no technical issues, these are serious emotional issues which might bring one undoubtedly to ones present limit.
I think this is thevery core of the avoidance of relationship or close relationship.
I honestly think, and there is no offense intended, that most poly-multi-whatever models ofrelationships are mostly a result of avoiding all these issues and giving it a " spiritual appeareance".
There might be ( but I think very rare) human beings which honestly went through all those emotions and are willing to go through even more heavy emotions in reltionships with multiple partners.
I would assume however, for the majority it is a means of avoiding all this.
Having said that, It is in my experience absolutely possible to have a seriously comitted relationship with a steady partner and still be free to love many other human beings.
Not in an romantic way but on a "true love level". There would be a lot of jealousy issues but in my experience it is entirely possible.
All of this might not be true for you, Adonai One, but it is my experience since I ve been in the "relationship business".