12-18-2016, 02:18 AM
Thanks for the heads up and kind words SMC 
The warning was cancelled earlier today but I woke up this morning to the reports n to be honest, I don't even flinch now.
I feel like that's not a good thing, I don't want to become cold or desensitized to others suffering.
Sometimes though, when there are multiple daily earthquakes and other things happening that never seem to stop, it can get abit emotionally dulling. That's WITHOUT taking into account that there's quite possibly a negative vortex and/or some kind of frequency influencing weapon directly influencing peoples health and/or mood in this country.

The warning was cancelled earlier today but I woke up this morning to the reports n to be honest, I don't even flinch now.
I feel like that's not a good thing, I don't want to become cold or desensitized to others suffering.
Sometimes though, when there are multiple daily earthquakes and other things happening that never seem to stop, it can get abit emotionally dulling. That's WITHOUT taking into account that there's quite possibly a negative vortex and/or some kind of frequency influencing weapon directly influencing peoples health and/or mood in this country.