10-23-2010, 02:05 PM
(10-22-2010, 09:16 PM)βαθμιαίος Wrote:(10-22-2010, 09:29 AM)3D Sunset Wrote: Given this fact, it seems apparent that consciousnesses can cross Octaves. Also recall that our planet is actually under the protection of entities from the next octave.
Very true. However, it may be that in crossing octaves they don't pass through the timeless merging between octaves but rather think themselves straight to the desired location in the new octave. You don't disagree, do you, that entities that move into the timeless stage at the end of the octave from seventh density have left their identities behind and merged back into the Creator?
there is no difference in between those. in your version, it means that the later octaves increasingly gain capability to move about existence. still, for something to move about, there has to be something.
definition of 'identity' is important.
where was your 'identity' before this octave ? entities have merged at the end of last octave too.
Quote:The One you are referring to here would be a Logos or similar, right? I agree it would be possible for such a One to do what you suggest but would it want to, I wonder? Let's take an entity that did not make it all the way through the last octave, when the polarity lesson was mover/moved. Would it really make sense to place such an entity in our third density, say, with its intense catalyst revolving around STO and STS? To me, it would make more sense to allow a new being to form itself out of the harvested, completed knowledge of the Creator of that octave.
this is a long topic in itself.
however, one should remember that whatever is discovered,is known to all. mover/moved, positive/negative are mechanics to increase manifestation of existence. when they are discovered, they are discovered by all.
what's being known, however, is the 'existing' intelligent infinity. but, even in that respect, it is possible that, for any given fragment of intelligent infinity to be fully realized, they may have to go through all experiences. ie, any given finite may need to pass through positive/negative.
but, there are infinite universes, leave aside infinite octaves. thus, probably there is the chance of that finite to experience what it needs to, in another nexus, simultaneously, and pop in the next octave, as having learned it. that is, if it needs to pop in that octave/universe combo at all.
Quote:(10-22-2010, 10:49 AM)unity100 Wrote: this possibility, its existence being infinite, gives meaning to a concept; it means this octave will keep being here forever, even when the entities that constantly graduate from here continually pass to the next octave. so that, it will be still here, when a wanderer from the next octave comes back to 'bring light' for the harvest. it also resembles the higher self phenomenon. second, it seems to imitate the similar pattern of existence/manifestation in the individual level.
Interesting idea. Ra does say that there is such a thing as true simultaneity.
infinity > infinite intelligence > infinite possibilities. anything needs to be possible in infinity.
Quote:It's not that the spirit becomes null and void at octave end. It's that it, along with all the other spirits of the octave, rejoins the plenum so that the Creator can move into the next octave informed by all the experiences of this one.
if, 'the creator' is something that moves from octave to octave, 'having learned' some things, it directly implies limitedness, time along with numerous other things. it means it is limited, because it moves from octave to octave, and before 'this' octave, it didnt know what it knows now. and that, implies time, because it means there is change.
however indeed, that is the case. 'the creator' is just a focus point of the infinite intelligence. infinite intelligence being directly below infinity, it would mean that there are infinite number of focuses it finds, and infinite numbers of octaves, universes, being manifested and explored by those focuses.