10-22-2010, 10:49 AM
(10-21-2010, 02:44 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: Does Ra actually suggest anywhere that information is carried from one octave into the next? Or are we merely assuming this?
spiritual bias, the characteristics of that fragment of the spirit is not 'information'.
information is what is contained in mind, subconscious mind. the experience too.
Quote:I don't disagree that the gleanings of this octave are carried forward to the next. But Ra says "it would not be our awareness, but simply awareness of the Creator. In the Creator is all that there is. Therefore, this knowledge would be available."
So I agree with Quantum that the Creator carries forward what it learns in this octave, but individual entities don't do so as individuals because they have merged back into the Creator.
the 'individual entity' concept is something that is made up by attaching a spirit complex to a mind complex and a body complex to that mind complex. this is what we understand from book iv. (to give free will, also a 'declaration' that the mind/body/spirits are now complexes, has been made at one point in this octave it seems).
the 'identity' of the 'entity' therefore, is what this complex, significator accumulates and manifests throughout its journey through the octave. and that journey, is for, apparently knowing the spirit that is attached to the brain, and its projection; mind part. 'the creator will know itself' part, the 'discovery' part, relates to knowing that spirit. shard that manifests as a subdivision in the octave. that proposition fulfills and enlightens various concepts we are given, like the ones in below quote .
Quote:Questioner: We are concerned in this communication with the evolution of mind, body, and spirit. It seems to me that a good place to start would be the transition from the second to the third density, then to investigate in detail the evolution of third-density entities of Earth, paying particular attention to the mechanisms which help or hinder that evolution.
Do all entities make a transition from second to third density, or are there some entities who have never gone through this transition?
Ra: I am Ra. Your question presumes the space/time continuum understandings of the intelligent energy which animates your illusion. Within the context of this illusion we may say that there are some that do not transfer from one particular density to another, for the continuum is finite.
In the understanding which we have of the universe or creation as one infinite being, its heart beating as alive in its own intelligent energy, it merely is one beat of the heart of this intelligence from creation to creation.
In this context each and every entity of consciousness has/is/will experienced/experiencing/experience each and every density.
now, there are various important points here.
firstly, we are told that continuum is finite. ie, a spirit collective, a spirit group consciousness, may not be able to transition from 2d to 3d, we are told.
the other part is more important. it takes the universe as one infinite being. first, we know that our current universe, is finite. we are able to calculate the size of universe, or observe boundary of universe. so, at any given time, universe is finite. however, it is expanding, and its existence may be infinite.
this possibility, its existence being infinite, gives meaning to a concept; it means this octave will keep being here forever, even when the entities that constantly graduate from here continually pass to the next octave. so that, it will be still here, when a wanderer from the next octave comes back to 'bring light' for the harvest. it also resembles the higher self phenomenon. second, it seems to imitate the similar pattern of existence/manifestation in the individual level.
but it means various other important things ; first, this octave, these infinite universes that manifest as part of this octave, are not the entirety of manifestation of infinite intelligence. ie, the central sun of this octave, is not 'the' one single central logos. it means that in different octaves, different central logoi exist. so, that makes the central logoi of octaves, just what Ra says in regard to 'first thing in creation' sequence; a focus point infinite intelligence finds, one of the infinite focus points that happen through octaves.
there is a possibility that, there is one central logos, but, different octaves sees its portions, despite that central logos serves all octaves, and their infinite universes. this is also possible, and it also compatible with the continual refraction/sublogoi concept in the hierarchy mechanic of manifestation. but then, that would mean there is one single focus.
now, if we come to the non-continuum of experience and 2d entities not passing to 3d because that continuum is finite, BUT, they being able to eventually experience all densities, this can happen in two different ways :
- this octave stays here forever, and those fragments experience densities here, in another 'time' (octave level 'time').
- or they are experiencing these densities, in another universe that belongs to this octave.
regardless, this reinforces what is above; what is being discovered are the fragments of infinite intelligence, aka, spirit fragments. and eventually all fragments' nature and characteristic is discovered by going through octaves, and each becomes known to all.
the definition and understanding of 'identity' and 'entity' are important here.
the inclination is generally to take these as what you see here, ie, you, me, the significator that actually manifests and changes.
however, what defines the ultimate identity, characteristic of that significator is ultimately the spirit that manifests in that significator. spirit, does not become null and void, at octave end. its nature, whatever it is, will stay. moreover, there will be infinite characteristic about that spirit to be discovered. so, it keeps existing and manifesting in another octave in infinity, manifesting another side of itself from its inner characteristics.