10-21-2010, 11:57 PM
(10-21-2010, 12:26 PM)LsavedSmeD Wrote: A light year is 6,000,000,000,000 miles
Distance is only of consequence when in this space/time illusion. Travelling in both time and space is done instantaneously by thought when.. well, I'm not exactly sure when (if OBE or in the indigo body or inbetween incarnate experiences or in what higher densities), but I've done it in meditation, even going so far as to understand that I had once travelled to a completely different (one higher) octave (which in space (the plenum) looked very similar to the space (the plenum) we have here when inbetween galaxies). It isn't quite instant... more like travelling so fast it makes warp 9 on star trek look like a snails pace, sort of like being shot through a worm hole, but then coming to an instant stop so fast you are just there. The going is perceptible; the stopping is not.