10-21-2016, 10:04 PM
(10-19-2016, 04:46 PM)Hohongwitutiwa Wrote: Ngungu'taota SMC, and those reading here, Tutskwa I'qatsi,It's amazing to meet a fellow brother walking a different path but really the same. Much love brother
SMC, I understand and respect your passion to respect the rights of indigenous people to keep their cultural knowledge within their circles, but, respectfully, you have ignored two important points I shared in my post: the Hopi have clear instructions from the holy personage who originally provided them the Hopi Way (Masau) to share certain knowledge with the world during this time; and I am a Hopi according to Hopi tradition.
Hopi who do not follow this instruction are betraying their highest spiritual duty. To not follow this instruction is analogous to receiving an instruction from Jesus and deciding to ignore it. Also, I am only sharing certain knowledge, not everything I know, only the information the Earth's children are meant to receive at this important time in the world; this knowledge belongs to everyone and is needed to help people make wise choices when unexpected events arise that will be presented deceptively.
The name “Hopi” is often translated as “peaceful” and “honest” but Sun Clan Kikmongwi (Village leader) Dan Katchongva gave the name a deeper meaning:
“...Hopi means not only to be peaceful, but to obey and have faith in the instructions of the Great Spirit, God knows who is in the right and not to distort any of his teachings for influence or power, or in any way corrupt the Hopi Way of life. Otherwise the name will be taken away...”
My Hopi father and myself have striven to follow the above definition, although other Hopi have not, leading to a prophesied division within the Hopi, including the adoption of a governing council that was NOT approved by the Hopi people, which is under the influence of the U.S. Government, and that has done things contrary to the Hopi Way. As Dan Katchongva asserted:
“...We Hopi knew all this would come about (forces seeking to change the Hopi Way)…If we were to accept those offers from his government, that would be the doom of the Hopi Nation…We know that when the time comes, the Hopi will be reduced to maybe one person, two persons, three persons (following the Hopi Way)...”
I can assure you that not only have I not made any money from writing the book, which has been given away as free ebooks, but it has cost me money to have it privately published, not to mention the stress from dealing with people who have made lies and thrown insults at me.
I am not explaining this to defend myself, nor to enter into a long debate, but to provide an honest explanation to help assuage any anger so this information can be provided in a friendly atmosphere, as it should be given. My hope is that I have done so.
The free will of everyone should always be respected, which is why I made clear that this knowledge is given with an open hand to take or leave as one chooses.
I reiterate that the knowledge I am sharing will greatly help you see through the deceptions the Hopi know are coming, so you can walk a straight road to your highest life.
Someone has written me a private message about something I might help them with (I will answer shortly). Please feel free to send me any questions with which I may be able to assist you.
Umumi pam taaviningwu – may the sun always shine upon you,
Your brother Hohongwitutiwa