unity100 post 88 above Wrote:we cannot resume an 'academic' exchange with you. i have been waiting for your response to recent posts...
to which Quantum Wrote:As for posts you suggest several times here that you've put to me that were left unanswered? My great apologies if I've ever left even one unanswered. It seems like it has been me that has repeatedly openly invited you to answer? Ive read many times that you refuse to post to me (other than these personal posts it seems). Please re-direct me to any unanswered post and I would be more than happy to respond.
to which unity Wrote:... i cant think that you havent been able to understand that clearly. i cant imagine how you can confuse what i said, with what you understood above. you either skimmed, and misread it, again, or you are again deliberately 'not understanding' something you dont desire to understand.
To which I say: Huh?????? It really does go circular in dizzying form and fashion.
If you have posts directed towards me unanswered (which you just claimed you did above), which you then further claim went unanswered, I once again apologize and will be happy to answer. As with the LOO and Ra quotes that are requested, please be as kind to provide these as well and I promise to answer.
Here is what we mustn't do anymore: Although I have attempted, as a means of responding and remaining open, even against my own rules, I will not engage in personal messages any longer which are being served openly on the forum, while better left to private PM's instead. You may consider instead to write me there (PM's) as regards your views of me, whereas write me here as regards your views on the LOO.
If you do not wish to respond at all, then feel free in peace and light to cease altogether, while also allowing me to question your threads and posts unchallenged or responded to by you when they seemingly conflict with the LOO. I am infinitely OK with either choice.
I ask again, as seen below, increasingly questioning more each time that you do not respond, this presumably as a result that you can't:
Quantum Wrote:I leave my question open as to your last post as regards the concept of Multiple One Infinite Co-Creators? It is as interesting a concept and as unique as have been many of your others, for which I would ask the same, "sticking to the book of course," where in the LOO might you have arrived at this? Given this is a forum to further our understanding of the LOO, can you, would you, provide evidence of a single quote we might review?
Peace my friend, and feel free to redirect me to those unanswered posts I apologize for not answering. I'm sure I would be more than happy to.
Love and Light...
~ Q ~