09-28-2016, 01:20 AM
(09-27-2016, 09:26 PM)Patrick Wrote: I know it was chosen for a good reason on both sides, but it still makes me sad. I take this sadness to mean that I am acknowledging the choice without understanding it. Maybe not being able to properly accept it still, but at least having the intent to do so. My forgiveness in such cases is nearly automatic. If I were balanced, forgiveness would not even be required on my part.
But here's the thing, Patrick. The reason such an event makes you sad is precisely *because* it is a grave injustice and you are perceiving the visceral wrongness, and perversity, of such an act. That is your emotional translation of that knowingness -- the awareness of the resistance felt when you perceive the extreme vibrational variance between your deep and primal awareness of unity and the offered behavior in relation to that unity.
People are often reluctant to call something 'evil' because they don't want to appear judgmental, but for some reason, we are not shy about identifying something as cold or hot, yet these are equally subjective references. It's almost like you're saying, "Someday I will see the warmth in cold......some day!" There is actually no such thing as cold, or warm for that matter. Those are relative measurements. There is just kinetic energy, and the interpretation and comparison of that kinetic action to a greater or lesser state of kinetic action.
But pretending that the observation, or recognition, of the very real subjective contrast between cold and hot is somehow wrong, or less spiritual (or somehow judgmental), is absurd, and that is the point I'm trying to get across to other people (disclaimer: i'm not saying this is what you, personally, are doing). The very attempt to see judgment as wrong is yet another example of judgment itself! It's actually kind of funny when you think about it.
(09-27-2016, 10:01 PM)OpalE Wrote: I think so. The positive and negative poles, to me, appear to be decriptions for an ?energetic observation: Positive polarity resembles an infinite source radiating raw creative ... stuff, while negative polarity resembles a never-ending toilet flush for that same ... stuff. The two lay out the founding illusion of the playing field on which all of our other illusions are built.
Good and evil, on the other hand, are entirely subjective terms that apply only within that playing field. They may be roughly related to the more objective idea of polarity (or maybe even highly confused attempts to explain it), but they depend very largely on where / when / how an individual undergoes its experiences and the resulting conclusions and judgements that individual forms. They change depending on personal bias, social indoctrination, and conceptual exposure. You may find a broad agreement within a ?culture, but the specifics of these terms aren't universal -- or even global -- by a long shot. I don't even think they're all that similar among members of any given neighborhood.
I'd go as far to say that the concepts of good and evil are completely irrelevant in the further reaches of either polarity. Extremely positively oriented beings wouldn't perceive a division of good and evil at all. Extremely negatively oriented beings wouldn't care how such a division was defined or where the line was drawn at any given time or place, so long as such distinctions and separations were being made.
Personally, i believe "good" is a misnomer for all that is, while "evil" is an attempt to divide good from itself. Evil exists, but only as a result of judgements which attempt to separate.
If polarity is objective, please tell me how you objectively measure the strength of it? Because you can't measure the strength of either charge, except relative to its opposite polarity which is just like.....................................................good and evil. The relative is always relative to something else. I agree with your last statement here, except that it equally applies to negative polarity since, you know, they are exactly the same concept in different words (in my opinion in any-case).
(09-27-2016, 10:01 PM)OpalE Wrote: Looking into myself, the closest resemblance that i see to this is empathy, and the two don't appear to be identical. Empathy, for me, acts similarly to a mirror. I don't cause pain or suffering; not because i believe it to be wrong, but because i intuitively (and experientially) know that i'm causing that same pain and suffering to myself in some way, and somehow hampering my own development. Whether empathy operates in the same way for everyone ... i don't know. Maybe there exist highly empathic people who, for some reason or another, NEED to hurt externally for their own development.
"Right and wrong" on the other hand, appear to be a collection of individual judgements based in how I believe others (and, sometimes, I) should behave. Those, i consider largely a product of my own arrogance and projection, and investigate until i feel that i understand why they exist in the first place (they don't all seem to have the same root).
Everyone is born with this? I doubt that. I'm sure there exist conditions and circumstances that can prevent a recognizable sense of empathy even before birth.
Everybody, except for the most dull and unpolarized individuals (polarity = awareness), knows when they are stepping on, or infringing, upon the well being of another soul. And yes, that is part and parcel of empathy, which is a natural extension of awareness of the interrelated unity of the cosmos, which could be identified as a degree of conscious awareness of green ray. There may be some rare, animalian, psychopaths born, who are like 2.5 density, who have no empathy, or at least, little awareness of empathy. Some people call them "pre-adamic humans".
Just as there are transitional forms between 3D and 4D, I have no doubt their are transitional forms between 2D and 3D. If they are in human bodies, they look like psychopaths. If they are in animal bodies, they seem like really smart animals. Case in point: my cat is an uncompassionate serial killer, but I love her nonetheless (and I have no doubt she is 3rd density harvestable).
(09-27-2016, 10:01 PM)OpalE Wrote: I agree with the second sentence here, but i don't believe right / wrong or good / evil are actual dualities. The terms are too soft and confused to be stable. Many people use them, but not many bother clearly defining them to themselves. As a result, two people saying them don't mean the same thing in the same way that two people saying "hot / cold" or "day / night" do. "Right / wrong" usually end up being labels for two mind-sacks that people stuff lots of individual judgements in ... various opinions they've picked up mostly from sources they love or respect (or fear).
I agree that they are imprecise. But that is only because the majority of the public don't understand why they even have a primitive conception of right and wrong in the first place (hint: UNITY). Religion (and the puppet masters behind it) are largely to blame for that ethical conceptual misprision, because it mixed a bunch of arbitrary rules into the mix. These rules attempted to mimic behaviors that supported consonance with unity, while retaining negative separating characteristics, in a deliberate attempt to obfuscate the obviousness of good and evil to the same degree of clarity that we perceive other clear and obvious dichotomies like hot and cold, or pleasure and pain.
Well, by my estimation it looks like their handy work has payed off. Mission accomplished!
(09-27-2016, 10:01 PM)OpalE Wrote:Quote:But can anyone look at say, something like child murder and honestly not see that something like that is obviously wrong? I mean, lets get very very blunt here. If someone murdered a child in cold blood, could someone honestly look at that and say, "Nothing wrong here, just an innocent exploration of experience. Well, I guess I'll just go do my taxes now."
Yes. Anyone who lacks (or rejects the validity of) love and empathy.
But you see, there is a fundamental difference in a negatively polarized being. They are fully aware that they just infringed upon another conscious entity. This conscious awareness of that infringement on other self is the very definition of evil (self serving in the extreme). In otherwords, they know its wrong, and they: Just. Don't. Care.
Simple as that.