Wilbur writes:
Perfect…absolutely perfect explanation of “creating your own reality”. The only way to actually influence consensus reality is to realize that you can only affect your perception of said reality. But, really…isn’t this the essense of the Qu’o teachings?
Quote:Rather he suggests that the transrational interpretation of "you create your own reality" can be easily understood in the spinach example. It is how you understand/interpret/define and evaluate/judge/relate to your experience of the spinach (VAKOG) that "creates" the reality you experience around the spinach (the phen-noumena/epistemology). The spinach has a "nature." It IS what it is (green - in the human visible spectrum, pungent - in the human olfactory spectrum, chewy - in the human kinesthetic spectrum, etc.). However, how we "understand/identify" it (or as I like to say - define and evaluate "defeval" it, or, how we interpret it and project our values onto it "interproject" it), "creates" how we personally experience it. "We create our own reality", not by our thoughts changing the "nature" of reality, but by our thoughts/defevals/interprojections/mind-sets creating our "experience" of reality. We can enjoy the sensations, imbue the spinach with positive meaning, imagine we are Popeye, etc.
Perfect…absolutely perfect explanation of “creating your own reality”. The only way to actually influence consensus reality is to realize that you can only affect your perception of said reality. But, really…isn’t this the essense of the Qu’o teachings?