09-18-2016, 09:36 PM
(09-18-2016, 08:01 PM)sjel Wrote: When she slipped and almost got caught up into negative time/space, why the heck would she have needed to go through millions of years of negative space/time experience to balance out ONE MOMENT?!?!
The reason why it would take millions of years is because time/space is *mental space* and to *move into time/space* is to move into negative thought. In otherwords, you think negative, you become negative. And once you are negatively polarized, you then incarnate negatively, and live negatively, and evolve negatively. It is essentially a case of getting brainwashed into negativity. How many people in our physical world have been lured into life styles, beliefs, and other circumstances because some charismatic individual convinced them of their "positive nature" only to gradually lead them to destructive and negatively oriented lives? The realm of time/space is no different to an ignorant, and veiled point of consciousness. You can end up in the wrong neighborhood with the wrong people. But it takes time for a being to be "detuned", which of course is in ample supply in time/space. It is a wholly free will event.
Keep in mind it is an extremely rare circumstance (it has only occurred to one wanderer according to Ra in the last 75,000 years).
The likelihood of that actually happening to Carla, even during the Ra channeling (in this particular referenced circumstance), was likely over emphasized by Ra, but like everything, even the slightest possibility of it occurring was treated with all due seriousness, because that is Ra's nature -- to prepare for even the most unlikely of events and dangers. The possibility of you getting struck by lightening walking outside during a thunderstorm is probably ridiculously low, but Ra would be like the caring parent that makes you take precautions during that circumstances regardless, because, well, you never know.