(10-16-2010, 12:24 AM)Crimson Wrote: You don't know if this was done by the original channelers (which I deeply respect) you only assume. Anyway, I find your answer very disrespectful since you are accusing me of disrespect apparently just for the fun of it and you are introducing a study guide which I cannot find sponsored by Carla and Jim (certainly not by Don Elkins --his name also appears on the title of the page). By the way I deeply respect Don Elkins and I feel much love for him --the PhD comment was directed to the compilation author as a general comment to address the fallacy "appeal to authority". I want to thank everybody who has tried is trying to impulse the LOO.You are correct Crimson. I only assume that they had a hand in it as set forth in the manner in which the page is laid out with their names appearing first. By the way, Dons name very much appears on the page, and is in fact the very first? It is furthermore a logical conclusion given that the Study Guide has been out there for many years with their names attached to it that L/L supports it. It seems likely that if there were any disagreements with it that they might have surfaced long before our two posts. Lastly, if one clicks on the L/L Research Site Entry Page and goes to links on the left of the page http://www.bring4th.org/links/ you will note that The Study Guide appears as a source reference. One would certainly think that they are deeply involved as a result and would not support the Study Guide in any event with their names attached to it while also allowing it to appear on their own site. Note secondarily that within the http name that bring4th itself is self-evident in the address as well. In a closing note to this please see that Bring4th is additionally a sister site to L/L Research. It seems that there is overwhelming support for The Study Guide as a result.
Love and light my friend.
However, that said, this is why I opened with "unless I am mistaken" in my first sentence. Allow me to further close by suggesting that in honoring Don, Carla, and Jim whilst acknowledging Bob Childers, that this in no manner is a reflection on you. The entire thrust of my post was directed towards them. There was no accusation set forth or implied, as much as there was praise and honor given. I am sorry you read it this way or that it may have appeared so to you. Life in 3D is wonderful, isn't it? With this mind, please feel free to re-read my response and attempt to see it in the light it was meant to be delivered in. I am sure that you have as much deep admiration as is clearly now expressed and certainly set to rest. Thank you my friend.
Love and Light to you as well,
~ Q ~