09-15-2016, 09:31 PM
(09-15-2016, 02:15 PM)GentleWanderer Wrote: Losing a twin while still in the womb, i find the emotioal effects have some similarity with those of being a wanderer.I've always suspected I lost my supoose to be twin.
I'm even quite certain we slept foreheads touching because since my earliest memories and even to this day touching foreheads on a specific spot makes me peacefully content.
I'm also pretty certain I met him at 34. We just trusted each other for no reason and right off the bat were sharing secrets we'd never told anyone. Horrible secrets.
I had always suspected my twin couldn't face the $#!+ $#ow we were headed for and abandoned uterus. Turns out he was born 6 months later into an only slightly less traumatic situation.
Anyways I could be wrong but even my husband can't tell the writer apart if one of us writes a long email, and we look very similar only him very male and myself not, we have the same career, same well I could just go on and on. we certainly handle catylist different but I'm not sure who's method is better.
Unfortunately adult families don't admit new members. Next life.
Anyways thanks for sharing the link.