10-15-2010, 11:37 PM
(10-15-2010, 11:00 PM)Crimson Wrote: What is with this "Study Guide"? If I go to the website I read:
Study Guide compiled by Bob Childers, Ph.D.
additional compilations by David Wilcock
Very well, so? ..... I also do not get impressed by Ph.D.'s after a name.
Unless I'm mistaken, page one of the Study Guide http://www.spiritofra.com/Ra-section%201.htm suggests that Don, Carla, and Jim particpiated in the making of the Study Guide and that it was complied by Bob Childers, with additions added by David Wilcock. The simple point for a study guide is merely for quick overview as is any study guide which avails one to the ability of not having to read all four books. Given Don, Carla, and Jim presumably had a hand in same, it seems reasonable to conclude that not only did they live and dedicate themselves to the cause, if not even one member in fact potentially dying for it, but that they were the embodiment of it and that as such may even now either have more to share one fine day if not later, but also that as a result of their daily lives immersed in it may intimately be more in tune with it on some finer level than are we who I doubt anyone would argue are more peripheral to it on a daily basis. This may be open for debate, but I would be surprised if it were. Are any members to be enshrined or worshiped as a result? Certainly not. I'm sure that Carla would chuckle at the humor. Are they to be respected, praised, and given the privilege of being honored and heard? I certainly think so. As for David Wilcock, I too have my issues with him. But is he without doubt studied and immersed in the material? Certainly so. There are no authorities on the LOO. The Study Guide does not purport to give interpretations as much as it does shortcuts and an overview. It is a secondary source. There are those that have literally and figuratively given their lives to it more than we. Respect where credit is due, as much as credit where respect is due. They go like a silken hand into a velvet glove one to the other.
~ Q ~