(10-13-2010, 11:33 PM)unity100 Wrote: As i have mentioned before, i find discussing with you rather unproductive, quantum. therefore, without any offense, i will skip your comments. with the exception of a few important points, all others would be a repetition of what was before, therefore unnecessary. the important ones, will probably eventually come up in detail, as the discussion progresses.
No offense taken at all unity. We are speaking to the material exclusively, not about ourselves or each other. Quotes are offered by all as a means of further understanding the material as much as they are to support our interpretations of it. As such it is reasonable to request quotes to support your statements as much as it is for any member, myself certainly included. Please, always feel free to request. It is the reason we are here. I would ask for my edification if you in fact primarily find my discussions as unproductive as you suggest wholly as a result of my continually requesting that you indeed support your positions strictly from the LOO, given we purport ourselves to be in discussion of the LOO, and are in participation as a study group as regards the LOO exclusively? If a position or interpretation seems to run counter to the purported study and intent of a subject, in this case the LOO, then as a study group, as in any class desiring to increase its understanding of its subject, wouldn't you agree that it is in the best interest of and for all in the class, yourself/myself included, that these positions be desired to be challenged, questioned, turned around? In an academic setting wherein members have taken it upon themselves to become students of a said material, whether studying for a doctoral degree or for adept-hood, it would seem that one would dance in the delight and revel in the opportunity of being challenged as a means of becoming sharper with respect to it, much like any training. Is this not the definition of academia? Is this why we are not here? My position is merely an academic request, and that as such we strive to maintain academic honesty to the material.
Be then prepared in joy, fun, and revelry in the dance for productivity to offer your rationale as regards the material.
In Love and Light...
~ Q ~