10-12-2010, 02:23 PM
Allow me to also pluck from a past thread a fascinating video http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=...3626430789# to this business of 'Zeno's Paradox' vis-a-vis 'Quantums Predicament' that has at its core phenomenal similarity and as such bears worth reconsidering and sharing, this from post # 13 from Namaste on the thread "2nd LOO Question:Creation"
~ Q ~
Video/The Primacy Of Consciousness http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=...3626430789# Wrote:Namaste wrote: All is light, and light has some extremely interesting properties when viewed from light's perspective. Watch this excellent talk, recently shared on this forum...
The Primacy of Consciousness
You may skip to the 45th minute if time is of the essence, Peter Russel discusses the nature of light in a very concise manner. In short; light is in all places, at all times. The same applies to consciousness / God.
~ Q ~