08-19-2016, 10:20 PM
(08-18-2016, 05:02 PM)Bring4th_Jade Wrote: I think it's possible that we began talking about different things without realizing it. I am talking about a third density entity achieving fourth density harvest (the entity that is far along its path without realizing it), and it seems the two of you are speaking more of adept work, i.e. that which comes after one activates the green ray, if they so desire - stuff that would affect Wanderers more, those who come from a higher density.
I think it's possible that, if a third density entity who is unpolarized becomes aware of any spiritual work that tells them they must polarize, that their intentions to polarize might become way more muddled and confused than if a third density entity were to spontaneous come upon the open heart in a "organic", spontaneous way.
But, in total, my understanding of the Ra material that the point of adepthood is to then therefore lead back to the point where the act of generating love is spontaneous and not premeditated. Ritualizing spirituality is just to undo our ritualization of all of the unspiritual things that we spend out attention upon. From what I understand, the point of "ritual" is to create a habit so that a movement of energy is spontaneous and not forced.
I'm not closing the door on premeditated acts. I'm just arguing against what seems to be a hard point of Gurdjieff's that one must be fully aware/conscious of their spiritual potential to utilize polarization. But I don't know anything about Gurdjieff, all I have is what you have said herald - which isn't much really, considering I don't know any of the lingo. So I'm not quite sure what we're all necessarily disagreeing about anymore.
Thank you Bring 4th Jade, not only for sincerely responding to my post, but as I see also, for helping to provide for this very forum.
Gurdjieff was known for asking the question “How was this gift provided for me?
He also asked his students not to talk about the work - except when specifically asked, and referred to “recruiting” efforts as "pulling out the chair from one who is comfortably seated".
I don’t go for ritual myself, and did not have nearly the self discipline to perform the dances that he taught, but I know people who made great use of it.
I liked the books he wrote.They made sense to me in a way that none others had before.Then, when I discovered the work of his best student, John Bennett, I was even more fascinated at the detail to which he could explain many of the most important concepts that I later read in the Ra Material.
Spontaneity has its role in “The Work”- it is called the ever present grace of our common creator endlessness.
As for adept-hood, I am going to make a joke…
When I think about the level of adept-hood that Ra managed to inspire with the Great Pyramid and how it was so distorted and diluted by ignorance and egoism - to the level it is today, where:
We are the adepts!!! That’s it!
We are the ones from whom this consciousness of positive polarity is supposed to radiate like a beacon on a hill - or perhaps a siren.
But the joke is… that … we never got that information until just recently... When I first looked at Tarot as a kid, my friend said his family told him it was from the devil.
That’s the information we are supposed to be adept at? (That part of the material was more dry to me than any of the Gurdjieff related books I ever read).
So that’s part of the joke, too I guess, because my wife and I were actually kind of casual about reading most of the symbolic methodology that comprises book 4 of the Material.
May our good intentions make up for some of the loss of our mastery of our forms

So, actually, no disagreements here - just pure terminology …