(10-11-2010, 12:21 PM)Quantum Wrote: It begs the next question, shall I/we remain forevermore timelessly confused, always approaching the mystery of infinity, but never a chance for understanding IT?
(10-11-2010, 04:33 PM)Lavazza Wrote: This is a valid consideration whilst considering Infinity in to the equation (so sorry to do so, nevertheless... ) Consider if you will, Zeno's paradox.As always Lavazza, great stuff(ing) and "breadcrumbs" added to the mix that the dough may rise. Would you consider considering that the Zeno paradox might also apply to thought, versus the physicality of movement and motion alone? In other words, are my thoughts also illusion, and therefore likewise by Zeno's paradox as motionless, so to speak, as is movement, and thus we've never thought a thought at all? The question is as facetious as it is serious. Let us therefore suspend both so that we may address either ....seriously. The illusion of me thinking is simply an illusion too, given there in fact is no me, in spite of the me thinking I think, whilst truly only being a fractal within the hologram of the One Infinite Creator (OIC) who is in fact really thinking making ITself believe me believe I am. Therefore I do not think...but alas as a result of the fact that I do, I am...but not me as much as wholly IT.
Zeno's paradoxes are a set of problems ... that "all is one" and that, contrary to the evidence of our senses, the belief in plurality and change is mistaken, and in particular that motion is nothing but an illusion.
(10-11-2010, 01:56 AM)Lavazza Wrote: I have a thought that may tie in well to the concept of suffering, and if there is merit to this thought as I think there may be, there could be interesting implications for our collective understandings. I can reduce it to a question, that being: "What's the hurry?" As I recall from reading through the LOO books, Ra described the conditions prior to the veiling as extremely sluggish at the 3rd density stage of development. Because it was known that all is one, there was little impetus to polarize strongly in one direction or the other. But, but, but... there is an implication in this that a shorter amount of time spent in 3rd density is some how more desirable than a longer time (or less number of 3rd d. cycles being better than more). But... why?
(10-11-2010, 08:10 PM)βαθμιαίος Wrote: Interesting question, Lavazza. As I understand it, the reason is that the Logoi were trying to design the richest experience possible for the Creator.
(10-11-2010, 01:56 AM)Lavazza Wrote: If I were to not graduate to either camp of service at the end of this cycle, or at the end of the next 10,000 cycles, would it make much difference? What would happen to my soul, surely my cosmic batteries will not expire? Or am I in some way racing to keep up with the lifespan of the galactic logos, hoping to have evolved before it "dies" at the end of it's long, tens of billions of years long life? I would probably be transferred to some other galaxy I should suppose, but if I am determined to persist in my folly until the end of that galaxy, what then?
(10-11-2010, 08:10 PM)βαθμιαίος Wrote: I've wondered about this, too. Ra says that the "absorption into the One Creator continues until all the infinity of creations have attained sufficient spiritual mass in order that all form once again the great central sun, if you would so imagine it, of the intelligent infinity awaiting potentiation by free will." What happens at that point to those who are still in first, second, third, etc. densities? Or does the coalescence wait until all have attained sufficient spiritual mass (which Ra associates elsewhere with reaching the gateway density)?Very interesting indeed. If I may direct you to have a peek at spero's found quote on my continuing quest of questions found on the thread 2nd LOO Question: Creation:
spero - from 2nd LOO Question: Creation Wrote:Hey Quantum,So, apparently All coalesces upon itself to begin anew. If IT is all the OIC from start to finish, then truly there is no need for angst in any form or manner. Whether I remained a rock or roach for an eternity, versus was created as a Galactic Logos from the outset, I will coalesce with ALL into the void with All to simply begin anew as a result for never having been my own Illusion to begin with, but in fact the OIC's.
With regard to some of the questions you raised in your last post, I present the following quote hoping you will find in it some of the answers you seek, though it appears not even Ra is sure about it all.
Quote:28.15 Questioner: Are you saying then that there are an infinite number of octaves of densities one through eight?
Ra: I am Ra. We wish to establish that we are truly humble messengers of the Law of One. We can speak to you of our experiences and our understandings and teach/learn in limited ways. However, we cannot speak in firm knowledge of all the creations. We know only that they are infinite. We assume an infinite number of octaves.
However, it has been impressed upon us by our own teachers that there is a mystery-clad unity of creation in which all consciousness periodically coalesces and again begins. Thus we can only say we assume an infinite progression though we understand it to be cyclical in nature and, as we have said, clad in mystery.
Rocks and Roaches, Logoi and Laggards, all are one. Whats the Angst?
I am IT?
A-h-e-m...I mean, I am IT!
Very zenly yours,
~ Q ~