08-18-2016, 12:55 PM
(08-18-2016, 11:42 AM)Bring4th_Jade Wrote: Are you saying that, according to Gurdjieff, one must be fully aware that they are taking an action to serve others as a service to their whole spiritual self with every action that they take for it to "count"? Because I think Ra's version of the Law of One focuses more on spontaneous acts of love and generosity freely given, and that true power lies therein, not in premeditated acts that are calculated for their spiritual power.
No. I am not saying that at all.
The service "counts" (towards our degree of 51%) when it is not initiated by a "mechanical state" or the red through yellow rays. The "Man number 4" of Gurdjieff is beginning fourth dimensional work. G. taught that the higher self would communicate with the lower in order to initiate this action of actually "doing" instead of reacting to stimulus of the first three rays. Later, as man No. 5-7 we experience the fullness of
"taking an action to serve others as a service to their whole spiritual self with every action that they take".
As you say focusing on "spontaneous acts of love and generosity freely given" is the key you find in the Ra Material, I see these moments as the "shocks" from our higher states that G. speaks about, that allow us the opportunity to move our awareness and sense of being from our automatic functions to the function of love.
So there we are in agreement in favor of spontaneous kindness, but I'm not so sure I would close the door on premeditated acts that are calculated for ...spiritual power". I guess I don't understand the term spiritual power - is it a negative connotation.?
If so then it would not correspond with the Gurdjieff Work, as it depends on the service to others. Premeditation and calculation are an integral part of how the Ra material was brought to us so they can't be incongruous.
I think where the difference is, is that the Ra material only suggests that something beyond goodwill is necessary to make the leap using the springboard of green ray energy, and G. makes one uncomfortable in the awareness that perhaps not everything is "roses, roses".
May my wish to be of service be perceived.