Thanks for commenting on my post and for being the first person in twenty years who has said that I am anything near "frivolous" when it comes to my philosophy. So I am laughing internally as I write, at the thought of for once being the "easy-going spiritualist". My constant reminder is that .169 was an "harmonious harvest", and ours seemed on course to be alarmingly thin from my impression of the Ra Material.
I love the Gurdjieff Work mostly for its sense of urgency and sincerity. I have been trying to communicate with others on the Ra material something that I wish to understand based on the comparison of these two sources of genuine teaching.
I looked up self-harvest and did not find the area to which you refer in stating:
the only ones who 'self-harvest' are those of high enough negative polarity, otherwise there are assisting 'harvesters'
I know about the three examples of negative self-harvest, but I think its also possible to "graduate" before harvest... "harvestable", you might say. In this state one may be able to sustain being and memory of self without the yellow ray activation. Here is perhaps what the yogis refer to as no longer needing the "Wheel of Karma". It is my impression that if this is your 4D home planet, then absolutely you would want to stick around it and maybe even incarnate now and again to help a student or a group of beings turning towards the path of service to others.
Not only, Aion, do I also as you say "not agree that every death is a 'harvest"- I deeply agree with the concepts of Gurdjieff that if a man is not consciously awake (as opposed to our normal state of being unconsciously awake and able to function in an automatic way based on a regular system of shocks from our life circumstances) when he performs these so-called acts of service to others then is does not count as what he called “conscious labor” or in different words an act of love.
But I further believe it is only with what Gurdjieff calls self-remembering - but Ra calls "love". (Love sounds better, I know- but this post is about contrast as well, so perhaps to actually participate in the true business of "love” of self or others, one must be conscious- and not acting from automatic state).
Consider this: What if when I for example… open the door for someone, or prepare a meal for my family- am utterly lost in my own thoughts as I do . . . is this what Ra refers to as using the green ray of love, or could it actually be perhaps a skillful command of the yellow ray of relationship of self to other. Inasmuch as I wish to consider myself a good and upright person is not my labor also coming back to benefit me? I submit that there is a bit missing here that has to do with the self disciplined awareness.
May you sense the intention of service in my words.
Thanks for commenting on my post and for being the first person in twenty years who has said that I am anything near "frivolous" when it comes to my philosophy. So I am laughing internally as I write, at the thought of for once being the "easy-going spiritualist". My constant reminder is that .169 was an "harmonious harvest", and ours seemed on course to be alarmingly thin from my impression of the Ra Material.
I love the Gurdjieff Work mostly for its sense of urgency and sincerity. I have been trying to communicate with others on the Ra material something that I wish to understand based on the comparison of these two sources of genuine teaching.
I looked up self-harvest and did not find the area to which you refer in stating:
the only ones who 'self-harvest' are those of high enough negative polarity, otherwise there are assisting 'harvesters'
I know about the three examples of negative self-harvest, but I think its also possible to "graduate" before harvest... "harvestable", you might say. In this state one may be able to sustain being and memory of self without the yellow ray activation. Here is perhaps what the yogis refer to as no longer needing the "Wheel of Karma". It is my impression that if this is your 4D home planet, then absolutely you would want to stick around it and maybe even incarnate now and again to help a student or a group of beings turning towards the path of service to others.
Not only, Aion, do I also as you say "not agree that every death is a 'harvest"- I deeply agree with the concepts of Gurdjieff that if a man is not consciously awake (as opposed to our normal state of being unconsciously awake and able to function in an automatic way based on a regular system of shocks from our life circumstances) when he performs these so-called acts of service to others then is does not count as what he called “conscious labor” or in different words an act of love.
But I further believe it is only with what Gurdjieff calls self-remembering - but Ra calls "love". (Love sounds better, I know- but this post is about contrast as well, so perhaps to actually participate in the true business of "love” of self or others, one must be conscious- and not acting from automatic state).
Consider this: What if when I for example… open the door for someone, or prepare a meal for my family- am utterly lost in my own thoughts as I do . . . is this what Ra refers to as using the green ray of love, or could it actually be perhaps a skillful command of the yellow ray of relationship of self to other. Inasmuch as I wish to consider myself a good and upright person is not my labor also coming back to benefit me? I submit that there is a bit missing here that has to do with the self disciplined awareness.
May you sense the intention of service in my words.