(08-10-2016, 05:29 PM)anagogy Wrote:(08-10-2016, 03:17 PM)Minyatur Wrote: Good and evil falls when you understand that the energy behind what you can consider the greatest good is the same energy that is behind what you would consider the greatest evil. The same will is focused unto different states of balance with different surrounding parameters, yet never is unlike any of the two poles.
I've never stated that good and evil don't come from the same place, but you can't say that a proton and an electron are precisely the same thing just because they can both be derived from a photon. In some abstract sense yes, practically speaking, no. I'm not saying one is more important, they are both parts of the photon.
They are the same thing expressed within a different system of parameters. I did not deny that the system of parameters that expresses one pole over an another is different in it's configuration. It is more like a case that an expression of positive polarity is an expression of manifested selflessness and unmanifested selfishness within the conditions of it's expressions. If this very same system of expression was tweaked by an outside force to shift it's balance, then it would become an expression of negative polarity and of manifested selfishness and unmanifested selflessness.
You can't separate them, you can only experience conditions that manifest a certain side of their spectrum. A positive entity is selfless because it exists within conditions of itself that do not manifest it's inherent selfishness and the same is true for the negative entity containing the unmanifested selflessness.
(08-10-2016, 05:29 PM)anagogy Wrote:(08-10-2016, 03:17 PM)Minyatur Wrote: The negative polarity is not extreme selfishness, it seems that way to the external eyes that understand not it's cause and effect, that perceives not that it contains the exact same seflessness that the positive polarity sheds light upon. In the same manner, the positive polarity contains the same selfishness that the negative polarity sheds light upon, except that it is expressed positively within paramaters that allow this expression.
Negative polarity actually does precisely mean extreme selfishness. That is exactly why it is called service to self rather than "that nebulously defined behavior I'm alluding to". Defining two polarities as service to self, and service to others as Ra did is literally labeling these polarities by their signature and chief defining characteristic itself. I'm honestly baffled that you don't accept this most basic of all premises.
I do accept their difference in expression, but also do acknowledge that there is no separation between them and that their role is to shed light upon one unified principle.
A positive being does not hold the power the make different choices than the ones a negative being has made, it can only witness the different expression of itself within a different set of experiences of itself and internalize the underlying love not yet distilled by the negative being to find a greater positive polarity to radiate from within itself. It will seek to perceive the selflessness behind the illusionary/misunderstood selfishness.
(08-10-2016, 05:29 PM)anagogy Wrote:(08-10-2016, 03:17 PM)Minyatur Wrote: Polarity already fufills the role of measure fo comparison of the charge of the act, good and evil are something other born from a non-understanding of these charges.
Yeah, you keep saying that, but like most I see you are just taking one word for a dichotomy of human behavior and replacing it with another word for a dichotomy of human behavior. So how is calling a behavior negatively polarized different from calling it evil? At the end of the day, it is just meaningless word substitution because somebody doesn't like the word "evil". Good and evil *ARE* polarity, and always have been, since the dawn of mankind. I'm not saying one is more powerful than the other, but this constant repackaging I see of ancient spiritual concepts into quasi new age language designed to sound more enlightened than the status quo when in reality it is just the same old concept in new clothing is just plain tiresome in my opinion.
Positively/negatively polarized as terms do work if understood through a similar principle as that the pole of a magnet. The good/evil lense is how these terms could be misunderstood from their true nature through confusion.
(08-10-2016, 05:29 PM)anagogy Wrote: Hell, I could take a random survey of people on the street, put a list of some general STO actions, and some general STS actions on a white board and ask them to label them with their own subjective cultural understanding of what they believe "good" and "evil" mean, and I'm positive that in 90% of the examples they would equate them precisely as I have equated them. They would describe all the STS actions as stereotypically evil, and the STO actions as stereotypically good.
While you would find yourself to be right, you might find a need to let go of your ideas that All is One and that there is Source and Unity. This world is more of a mirror upon confusion than negative polarity.
If you step back a bit from the lense of separation, you could ponder to perceive both polarities as an expression of a relationship of self with self. This would probably be the most efficient mean to understand other-selves.
(08-10-2016, 05:29 PM)anagogy Wrote: I have yet to hear how they are different. I personally think in most cases it is just an equal commingling of wishful thinking and special snowflake syndrome.
I think those who have a hard time letting go of the notion of good and evil are often those who lose their direction outside a desire of wanting to be better than what they perceive as lesser.
This Creation is to explore Love in all of it's intensity and complexity, not to find/differentiate good and evil, better and lesser. Both polarities open the same door to contact Intelligent Infinity which perceives both as without separation. The only reason one cannot move into the gateway in negative polarity is because the self rejects the self.