08-08-2016, 06:35 PM
(08-07-2016, 01:03 AM)Bring4th_Jade Wrote: Basically, the Logos chose dual genders as a means of creating dynamic without any effort on the part of incarnated entities - and if one is not engaging in this "magnetic attraction" dynamic there is an impairment in their ability to offer service to another without the effort involved in finding another mate of similar orientation - homosexuals making up an estimated 2% of the population. A shallow example of this is how a man will go out of his way to open a door for a woman, as a means of service and potential courting. This simple dynamic is baffled if the entities involved aren't heterosexual. But, if unbaffled, it offers an "automatic" service to be performed, as I'm sure most men don't contemplate the movement to making an act of "chivalry" towards a woman - at least, from my experience, it's incredibly impulsive and without thought.
This is all meant to generate the most catalyst possible. In theory it's easier for two male entities to bridge the gap between their differences than a male and a female. The polarized genders creates a dynamic that can be used. Lacking involvement in polarized genders would, in this context, be an "impairment", because it is a missed "increase [in] opportunity for experience of the One Creator" that is offered by the dynamic of dual genders.
Well, not to toot my own horn on this (disclaimer: I am a gay man) but I don't see that the "impairment" of being gay necessarily equates to less "ability to offer service to another." Carla had some significant physical "impairments" which were essential to her achieving her life's work which was, from all reports, mighty service oriented indeed. So perhaps one choses (pre-life) to be gay because that particular "impairment" is the way to achieve a kind of service that cannot be achieved otherwise? I know for a fact that if I had had kids, and was as distracted and consumed by the effort of raising them as all my childhood friends and associates have been with their kids, I very much doubt I would have been in the right place/space/psychology to have experienced a transformational spiritual experience that led, ultimately, to discovering the Ra Material. There but for the grace of gayness would I be too.
I also strongly suspect that there are multiple kinds of homosexuality, since two friends have seemingly "changed their minds" and their sexual orientations mid-life. (This is unfathomable to me, yet I cannot deny the sincerity of their choices as actually demonstrated by their new relationships.)
I do believe that proximity can cause "infringement" induced homosexuality (see e.g. prisons) or at least homosexual behaviors. But I do not believe that my own homosexuality (known since age 4) was so caused. Indeed, I believe I planned to be gay in this lifetime because it was necessary to fulfil some Life Contracts. Forensic evaluation of one's early formative life is an interesting thing to do, once you have the "tools" for it (i.e. belief in the Beforelife and the Afterlife and a rejection of the Random Universe theory). I know I would be a very different person, if I had been straight.
I consider my gayness to be an attribute of self akin to my being tall. It serves a purpose (either an advantage or a challenge, depending upon events). I personally believe my gayness gave me a certain "apartness" in my early life to limit karmic entanglements. If I am a Wanderer, it would likely have been adopted as a defensive measure to avoid a major-cycle 25,000 year do-over. If I am not a Wanderer, it would likely have been adopted to assure graduation potential (see above spiritual experience coupled with the lack of karmic-entangling children to pull me back). This is all speculation, of course (see "veil") but informed speculation nonetheless.
I suppose I could have been straight but picked a different "impairment" like ugliness, stutter, clumsiness, blindness, or some disease, that might also have given me the same "apartness" but I didn't.
All of a person's challenges are chosen pre-life. Being gay too. (This is true too for the "been a girl in too many past lives" Ra explanation as it is for Ra's other "choosing to be born in a metropolitan country with infringement-inducing homosexuality" explanation.) It doesn't matter that gayness doesn't have the same kind of design goal as straightness (Logos design theory) so much as that it is unquestionably useful and is often a powerful catalyst in and of itself, because it is part of the very fabric of my being-ness in the same way that heterosexuality is part of the very fabric of straight people's being-ness.