07-31-2016, 07:07 PM
> I mean, is that an epileptic fit or what is that?
People like Clinton are powerful authority figures in large Elementals on the "other side". Most insist that they are materialists: in a sense it is true, because their P-realm (physical) consciousness is deliberately isolated from their A-realm counterpart. In this way they are able to present a charming, charismatic persona completely convicingly, whereas on the other side they are ... not so nice, shall we say.
As I remarked earlier, some of these big Elementals (unified social groups) have developed rudimentary personae of their own: the group has its own unique consciousness, separate and distinct from those of its component humans even though composed of them. Unfortunately, the most common elements are the lower emotions, so this embryonic persona is more like a brutish, hungry predatory animal than a decent human being, and this is expressed increasingly in its outward manifestations.
It also operates powerfully in those tied most closely to it. In the case of those still incarnate, this can result in an inner conflict when the impulses from the Elemental conflict with those of the P-realm personality. One result is - yes, a form of epileptic fit. Others are seen when an apparently innocuous person commits some act of depravity or bestiality that is judged to be quite "out of character". Much terrorist activity derives from this phenomenon, and explains the need for the perpetrators first to "commit to jihad" - i.e. be accepted and joined into the Elemental - in order to acquire the ruthless motivation needed to carry out the act. Those who understand the workings of Black Magic will see much else.
We seem to be on a roll here; hope it lasts for a bit.
People like Clinton are powerful authority figures in large Elementals on the "other side". Most insist that they are materialists: in a sense it is true, because their P-realm (physical) consciousness is deliberately isolated from their A-realm counterpart. In this way they are able to present a charming, charismatic persona completely convicingly, whereas on the other side they are ... not so nice, shall we say.
As I remarked earlier, some of these big Elementals (unified social groups) have developed rudimentary personae of their own: the group has its own unique consciousness, separate and distinct from those of its component humans even though composed of them. Unfortunately, the most common elements are the lower emotions, so this embryonic persona is more like a brutish, hungry predatory animal than a decent human being, and this is expressed increasingly in its outward manifestations.
It also operates powerfully in those tied most closely to it. In the case of those still incarnate, this can result in an inner conflict when the impulses from the Elemental conflict with those of the P-realm personality. One result is - yes, a form of epileptic fit. Others are seen when an apparently innocuous person commits some act of depravity or bestiality that is judged to be quite "out of character". Much terrorist activity derives from this phenomenon, and explains the need for the perpetrators first to "commit to jihad" - i.e. be accepted and joined into the Elemental - in order to acquire the ruthless motivation needed to carry out the act. Those who understand the workings of Black Magic will see much else.
We seem to be on a roll here; hope it lasts for a bit.