06-25-2016, 10:01 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-25-2016, 10:35 PM by WanderingOZ.
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(02-23-2016, 04:30 PM)Adonai One Wrote: I see no reason to act. I see no reason to cling packets of suppressed emotion called thoughts, words.Hi Adonai One, I'm not to sure how you feel about this, but l I've gone through it, a balanced emotional state, no feeling about all subjects, exept when one can share a bit of wisdom, or doing a random act of kindness, which gives a fleeting satisfaction of helping someone on the way. Friends and colleagues are of little consequence as all are seen as the same on the grander scheme of things. An undeniable faith that all is good no matter what is happening. A understanding that even if doing nothing you are still a lighthouse shinning bright. I'm the patriarch of a very large family, 7 children, from 2 beautiful women, 10 grandchildren, childrens spouses, nephews, neices, 4 generations, 10 people live in my house. There are inlaws and a few outlaws that drift in out and around.All look to me for love, spiritual guidance , advice and help. I've never mentioned to anyone but I can't distinguish them from a stranger because I think because my love encompasses all. Plants, planet, animals, and people. Still I feel alone at times. Even my partners don't quite get it. I've never come across anyone like myself but I know they're all around.
My happiness continues to grow despite any apparent ailments. I see myself maintaining conciousness, mindfulness regardless of any event. This continues to prove true. My circle of friends becomes more and more limited to those who can maintain a state of emotional influx rather than any form of "business professionalism". "Professional people" spend less time in my proximity and associates due to the lack of emotional sterility most come to expect.
I've come more and more within the ends of the definitions of what oneness and foreverness means: Your life runs itself even supposedly "against" external realities, as our bodies are intelligently informed as to what to do in any manner; the mind and spirit shining light upon these instincts without great intervention creates a great primal efficiency and social efficiency.
This philosophy has aided me but I no longer seem to need it as my life now runs itself in a blind faith. I see no obstacle that I cannot be conscious of; Allowing such to easily pass.
I have no contest over "what I cannot control" as I see myself parting ways, with ease, anything that acts against me and my associates; Without clinging to such pain over what is.
Walk well my friend. There's a master plan that we all play a part in.
How do you change the world? By one random act of kindess at a time.