06-11-2016, 12:24 PM
(06-11-2016, 12:00 PM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote: ahh ok. Yes, I think within the context of third density (and the Veil), it creates the inherent possibility of the two so-called paths. However, I don't think that was the main motivating factor. The main drive of putting in the Veil (and choosing to experience that) was to create and intensify the Will aspect. By becoming so 'weak' and 'disconnected' from the rest of Creation, one can then make the decision that there has to be a better way. And because one can't do it alone (because of the 3d vehicle parameters, weakened), one has to develop a relationship to other selves. And that then becomes 'co-operative' (we have some form of 'fair' sharing of our efforts), or it becomes a pyramid scheme (where the person at the top is siphoning an undue amount of resources, in terms of money, ease of life, sexual partners etc). So the two paths are a consequence of the Veil; but inherent in both paths is the strengthening and the intensifying of the Will towards becoming greater. Before the Veil, from what Ra says, people just sat around, and if something was slightly 'uncomfortable', they would just tap the deep mind, and be able to invent some incredible device that would solve the physical problem. And then they would go back to just sitting around again, not really interacting with each other much, but also not disliking each other much. Other people were just 'there', just like trees are 'there'.
After the Veil, we have to develop some concerted approach to how we interface with others; because it's just not possible to invent stuff (and have the physical resources) to take that approach post-Veil. We don't have the clear and unfettered access to the deep Mind, which can fix things in an instant. We get stuck in an economic system with others, where money is the currency, and we have to have some interface with our society/other-people.
Interestingly enough, the veil is designed to be able to be pierced through Will. So much like you said, it does seem designed to devellop Will even if one seeks to unveil itself.
(06-11-2016, 12:00 PM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote: So to answer your question, I think it does provide unforseen scenarios (the Veil that is). And I also believe that the 'Greater Self' can develop strong biases one way or the other (positive or negative). That is different from the Higher Self, which is entirely positive, because it is serving as a combined mother/father role to the Greater Self.
Then I wonder if the closer the greater self is to the Higher Self, the less unpredictable the use of a veil becomes as the greater self contains a bigger variety of experiences of itself which already is distilled closer to Unity.
Also if one has experience of both polarities, then this probably makes it much easier to foresee how self will respond to catalysts of various natures, or at least narrow down the streams of possibilities.
(06-11-2016, 12:00 PM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote: I think the Crown chakra work/activations allow you to become more of who you are. One can become extremely negative, if that is in full alignment with one's deeper nature.
For a negative (6d) Wanderer, they would very much want to channel the accumulated essence of their biases from thousands of lifetimes of that particular path. And likewise for a positive (Wanderer).
It does seem like the unique tune or color their experience within many-ness was meant to give birth to.
(06-11-2016, 12:00 PM)Bring4th_Plenum Wrote: As I said above, I think the aspect of 'increasing the desire to know' is the main function of the Veil. The two paths being a side effect of that desire.
Negative entities are in no way stupid. They can see the 'landscape' of the Creator and the Creation. They just think that the positive path allows too much 'weakness' to be retained within the self; and that there always has to be a best (ie superior) answer; and all other answers have to be invalidated. Positives can see the 'diversity' in Creation, and recognise it is all entirely valid, and it's all just possible spin-offs from the one self.
Does the positive entity feels this or rather seeks to feel this?
I'd think the awareness of it is common ground although the positive entity would have a greater desire to reconcile the experiences of others whereas the negative one is more likely to avoid this work it knows to he inevitable. Which pretty much goes along what you said, except whether if this is inherently known and felt or requires work for what is known to become felt.
Quite an interesting thread you made!